The EC have sent letters of notification to Bulgaria and another 14 EU countries requesting the exact implementation of the energy efficiency rules. Separate letters inform these countries they are also required to comply with public procurement..
The European Commission has presented a report on schemes for acquiring citizenship against investment in some EU Member States. Bulgaria is among those criticized over the lack of stringent requirements for granting citizenship to investors, the lack..
In Brussels, Bulgarian Minister of Foreign Affairs Ekaterina Zaharieva has met with Thai counterpart Don Pramudwinai. The meeting took place in the framework of the EU-ASEAN ministerial meeting. Minister Zaharieva pointed out that with its..
The Action Plan against Disinformation, preparation of the forthcoming EU- League of Arab State regular ministerial meeting, as well as the EU - ASEAN cooperation were key topics at the first for 2019 Foreign Affairs Council in Brussels. The Bulgarian..
According to Eurostat, in the third quarter of 2018, Bulgaria kept its third position among the EU Member States with the lowest debt-to-GDP ratio. For the period July-September it reached 23.1%. Over the same period of the previous year, the ratio..
To speed up Brexit-related work the number of staff at the Bulgarian Consular Office in Great Britain has been increased. A special section on the consulate's website has been opened, too. Information meetings in the diaspora are also taking place,..
Bulgaria ranks 7th in the EU when scale of investments through the Juncker Plan is concerned. The country has been doing a good job. There is no room for worry, as the projects financed so far would be further supported by Brussels. This is what..
A record number of one million listeners on a weekly basis has been achieved by the Bulgarian National Radio, the report presented by Director General of the public media, Alexander Velev, at a meeting of the National Council for Electronic Media. He..
The Romanian presidency of the Council of the EU will build on the work of the Bulgarian and Austrian ones. This was what Romania's Ambassador Ion G alea said at a meeting he organized in Sofia on the presentation of the priorities of the..
Bulgaria is ahead of four countries in the EU when democracy is considered, but overall its quality has remained virtually unchanged since 2006, according to the annual Index of Democracy 2018 by the Economist Intelligence Unit. In the report,..