Minister of Transport Rossen Zhelyazkov is paying an extraordinary visit to Strasbourg for a meeting with the President of the European Parliament Antonio Tajani, the BNR has learned from the Cabinet of the Minister. Topic of discussion will..
Contrary to the requests of protesters from Bulgaria, Romania, Poland and Lithuania, the European Parliament's transport committee voted in favour of a measure part of the new Mobility Package for vehicles to return to the country of origin within 4..
Bulgarian Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications, Rosen Zhelyazkov, has presented the Bulgarian position on the draft Mobility Package I at a meeting with one of the rapporteurs on the dossier, Wim Van de Camp. The..
Bulgaria is going to receive about 2.3 billion euros from the EU budget for 2019. This became clear after the European Parliament and the Council of the EU agreed on the Union's financial framework. MEP Andrei Novakov told BNR that for Bulgaria this..
Bulgaria is among the EU countries whose citizens spend most money on transport, Eurostat data for 2017 show. Bulgaria ranks 5th in the chart, as13.9% of household expenses go for transport. Leader according to this indicator is Slovenia with 16.3%,..
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ekaterina Zaharieva stated that Bulgaria will be the reason why the entire European Union will not be able to apply the Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic..
Four EU member countries, affected by natural disasters in 2017 – Greece, Poland, Lithuania and Bulgaria – will soon be receiving a total of 34 million euro in aid from the EU Solidarity Fund, after the Parliament and the Council approved the European..
If a referendum on Bulgaria’s membership of the EU were to be held tomorrow, 54 percent of respondents would vote for remaining in the union, the latest Eurobarometer survey on expectations of European citizens shows. This is notably lower than the..
Calmness in the Balkans means calmness and tranquility in Europe, which is why the European perspective of the Western Balkan countries will remain a top priority for Bulgaria's foreign policy. Montenegro is a good example for the countries of the..
At the ministerial meeting of the countries of the Central European Initiative (CEI) in New York, Bulgarian Foreign Minister Ekaterina Zaharieva stated that the EU is a successful multinational project, but that without the Western Balkans it will not..