Bulgaria disagrees with calls for ending Turkey's EU Membership talks, Bulgarian Foreign Minister Ekaterina Zaharieva has said. She commented on a recommendation by the European Parliament that Turkey should not be admitted to the EU. It is not in the..
Russian hacker group Fancy Bear, related to the Russian military intelligence, is the main suspect for cyber attacks against the web sites of CEC, the Interior Ministry and other institutions during the local elections in Bulgaria in 2015. This was..
The share of women in the government sector in Bulgaria has reached 40 percent, considerably exceeding the EU average, latest Eurostat data show. Over the past five years their number has gone up by almost 10 percentage points. There are 5..
Five out of the seven European regions with the lowest living standards are in Bulgaria, Eurostat data show. In 2017, regional GDP per capita, expressed in terms of purchasing power standards, ranged from 31 percent of the European Union..
In Egypt, before the opening of EU-League of Arab States summit, Bulgaria's Prime Minister Boyko Borissov said that despite differences, the EU and the League must lead a fair and open dialogue because they faced a number of common problems making..
60 percent of Bulgarians say they regard the foreign policy of the EU as a stabilizing force for world peace, 16 percent hold the opposite view. As regards Russia’s foreign policy, 43 percent of respondents regard it as peaceful, 27 percent see..
The EU has approved 17 million euro in funding for improving air quality in Bulgaria. The clean air project includes Sofia, Bourgas, Veliko Turnovo and other towns, in which one third of the country’s population lives. The project aims to..
53 percent of Bulgarians over the age of 15 say they trust the EU which is 9 percentage points higher than the average for the entire EU, a Eurobarometer survey indicates. 30 percent of Bulgarians declare they do not trust the EU, the remainder..
In the annual report of Freedom House Bulgaria is ranked among the "free countries". Out of the EU Member States, only Hungary has the status of "partially free". The summary about Bulgaria reads that there was a functioning democratic system that..
At the annual meeting of business with the government in Bulgaria EC Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis presented positive results of euro area membership to Bulgarian. Dombrovskis has pointed out that cooperation with Bulgarian authorities was very..