Después de la inauguración oficial en Bitola y en Ojrid de dos clubes culturales búlgaros a nombre de Iván Mijailov y el Zar Boris III, en el Parlamento de Macedonia del Norte fue aprobada en primera lectura una ley retrógrada. La ley prohíbe..
After the official opening of two Bulgarian cultural clubs in Bitola and Ohrid, bearing the names of "Ivan Mihailov" and "Tsar Boris III", a bill with retrograde provisions was adopted at first reading in the parliament of North Macedonia. It..
The club of the Bulgarian cultural association, officially registered a year ago and bearing the name of Tsar Boris III, was opened in Ohrid, as the atmosphere during the event was tense. During the ceremony, which was guarded by the police, a..
Serbia, descontenta por no poder importar petróleo ruso Durante la Cumbre de la Comunidad Política Europea en Praga, el presidente de Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, ha reclamado a la UE que reconsidere la resolución de prohibición..
Sajti informativ "Tribuna" njoftoi për Radio Bullgarinë se pjesëmarrja e votuesve në seksionin në Ambasadën Bullgare në Shkup është e krahasueshme me atë të votimit të fundit parlamentar në nëntor 2021. Në kryeqytetin maqedonas nuk ka persona me..
Rreth ditëlindjes së shkrimtarit të njohur bullgar Dimitër Talev (1 shtator), mediat bullgare ngritën pyetjen për fatin e shtëpisë së tij në qytetin Prilep. Për dimensionet e Talevit në Maqedoninë e Veriut sot dhe trashëgiminë e tij, “Radio..
En torno a la fecha del nacimiento del eminente escritor búlgaro Dimitar Talev (1 de septiembre), los medios de comunicación en Bulgaria plantearon el asunto del destino de su casa en la ciudad de Prilep, en Macedonia del Norte...
În preajma zilei de naștere a celebrului scriitor bulgar Dimitar Talev (1 septembrie), presa bulgară a ridicat problema soartei casei sale din orașul Prilep. Radio Bulgaria a solicitat opinia jurnalistului macedonean Vladimir Perev, născut și el în..
Around September 1, when the birthday anniversary of renowned Bulgarian writer Dimitar Talev is marked, Bulgarian media raised the question of the fate of his home in the city of Prilep, North Macedonia. "Radio Bulgaria" searched for the..
Bulgaria and Romania to study the possibility of launching seasonal flights from Burgas to Brasov Bulgaria’s Ambassador to Romania Radko Vlaykov and the Prefect of Brasov county Mihai Vasii attended a..
Le nombre des jeunes médecins qui une fois diplômés veulent rester en Bulgarie marque une augmentation pour la troisième année de suite. Ce sont les..
Située dans les Rhodopes, la station de ski Pamporovo affiche complet. Cette saison, le nombre des touristes venus de Roumanie, Grèce et Serbie, marque..
Au sommaire de notre programme, présenté par Christo Popov : - Les actualités du jour, suivies d’un point météo - Yanéta Dimitrova de l’École..