“In the villages of Kraynevo, Voden and Sharkovo we are working on three fronts. Every 20 minutes there is a report of a new fire somewhere in the country,” caretaker Interior Minister Kalin Stoyanov said at a briefing in Mamarchevo village,..
Într-o conversație cu președintele Joe Biden în timpul celebrării celei de-a 75-a aniversări a NATO, prim-ministrul interimar Dimitar Glavchev a declarat că Bulgaria este un aliat loial și de încredere. La rândul său, Biden a apreciat foarte mult rolul..
During a discussion with US President Joe Biden at the 75 th anniversary NATO summit in Washington DC, Bulgaria’s caretaker Prime Minister Dimitar Glavchev stated that Bulgaria is a loyal and reliable ally. On his part, President Biden expressed..
From July 9 to 11, Caretaker Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Dimitar Glavchev will participate in the NATO Summit in Washington. The delegation led by Premier Glavchev will include caretaker Minister of Defense Atanas Zapryanov,..
The position Bulgaria is going to the NATO summit with indicates that Bulgaria could offer Ukraine EUR 80 million , caretaker PM Dimitar Glavchev told reporters in parliament. However, he added that whatever the sum, it can only become fact..
At the European Council, Bulgaria will insist on including a text on the Republic of North Macedonia in the adoption of the conclusions of the meeting , the government press service said. Caretaker Prime Minister Dimitar Glavchev is representing..
Caretaker Prime Minister Dimitar Glavchev rejected the request of PP-DB to be heard in the National Assembly and will not speak at today's parliamentary session. The coalition insisted that the prime minister explain the reasons for the dismissals and..
There is a very serious expection to form a coalition in the European Parliament between the European People's Party, the Socialists and Renew Europe, caretaker Prime Minister Dimitar Glavchev said at the beginning of a government meeting. He commented..
Toate cele trei puncte de trecere a frontierei dintre Bulgaria și Turcia vor fi extinse, a anunțat premierul interimar Dimitar Glavchev în timpul vizitei pe care a efectuat-o la punctul de control Kapitan Andreevo. Prima etapă prevede reconstrucția..
Încă nu este clar cine va reprezenta Bulgaria la summitul NATO care va avea loc la mijlocul lunii iulie la Washington, a declarat jurnaliștilor premierul interimar Dimitar Glavchev. El speră că până atunci va exista un guvern stabil și că acesta va..