Es gebe zwei Geiseln bulgarischer Herkunft, die von der Hamas festgehalten werden , informierte die Vizepremier- und Außenministerin Maria Gabriel. Sie und der Premierminister Nikolaj Denkow waren am Montag zu Besuch in Israel . In Abstimmung mit dem..
Ka dy pengje me origjinë bullgare të mbajtura nga Hamasi, njoftoi zëvendëskryeministrja dhe ministre e jashtme Maria Gabriel, e cila u kthye nga një vizitë në Izrael së bashku me kryeministrin Nikollaj Denkov. “Ky është informacioni që mund të ndajmë,..
There are two people of Bulgarian origin held hostages by Hamas, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Mariya Gabriel has reported. The minister returned from a visit to Israel together with Prime Minister Nikolai..
"The State of Israel and the Israeli people have our full support, we are with you," Prime Minister Nikolay Denkov said during his meetings with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Isaac Herzog during a one-day..
30 der 36 bulgarischen Staatsbürger und ihre Familienangehörigen, die mit der ersten möglichen Gruppe aus dem Gazastreifen erfolgreich nach Ägypten evakuiert wurden, befinden sich jetzt in Bulgarien. Sechs von ihnen sind freiwillig bei Verwandten in..
Treinta de los treinta y seis ciudadanos búlgaros y sus familiares que fueron evacuados con éxito desde la Franja de Gaza a Egipto se encuentran actualmente en Bulgaria. Seis de ellos optaron por quedarse en El Cairo con sus familiares por voluntad propia,..
30 of the 36 Bulgarian citizens and their family members who were successfully evacuated with the first possible group from the Gaza Strip to Egypt are now in Bulgaria. According to their own wish, 6 stayed in Cairo with their relatives, announced the..
Serbia disuelve su Asamblea Nacional con anticipación; el país se prepara para elecciones El presidente de Serbia Alexander Vucic ha disuelto el Parlamento nacional y ha fijado elecciones parlamentarias anticipadas para el 17 de diciembre, ha..
Dissolution du parlement en Serbie et élections anticipées le 17 décembre Le président de la Serbie Aleksandar Vucic a dissous le parlement et fixé la date du 17 décembre pour des élections législatives anticipées, annonce la chaîne..
Parliament in Serbia dissolved, early election called Serbia’s President Aleksandar Vucic has dissolved the Narodna Skupstina, the parliament of Serbia, and has called an election for parliament on 17 December, Serbian national TV RTS reports...