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Mountain resort of Borovets officially kicks off winter season

The mountain resort of Borovets in Mount Rila is giving the official start to the winter season today with a sound and light show . The light show will take place at 5 PM at Rila ski run. The ski zone will be open from 8.30 AM until 4.30 PM...

21.12.24 07:40 |

El centro de montaña de Borovets inaugura oficialmente la temporada de invierno

Con un espectáculo de luces y sonido el centro de montaña de Borovets, en Rila, da inicio oficial a la temporada de invierno. La proyección de luces tendrá lugar desde las 17.00 en la pista Rila. La zona de esquí estará abierta desde las 08.30 hasta..

21.12.24 05:10 |
Evtim Miloshev

El ministro de Turismo pronostica un aumento del 5% de los turistas

  El ministro interino de Turismo, Evtim Miloshev, ha expresado sus expectativas optimistas sobre la temporada de invierno, vaticinando un crecimiento de las visitas turísticas del 5%. “Será así si todo está en orden y si el tiempo acompaña”, ha..

05.12.24 09:12 |

Turizm Bakanı: Kış sezonunda turist sayısında yüzde 10’luk artış bekleniyor

Turizm Bakanı Evtim Miloşev , kış sezonuna ilişkin iyimser beklentilerini dile getirdi ve turistik ziyaretlerin sayısında yüzde 5 oranında artış tahmininde bulundu . Sofya Havaalanına yapılacak 9 binden çok uçak seferi ile 1,3 milyon turistin..

05.12.24 09:08 |
Evtim Miloshev

Tourism Minister Evtim Miloshev expects a 5% increase in the number of tourists during the winter season

Caretaker Minister of Tourism Evtim Miloshev expressed optimism about the winter season, saying he expects a 5% increase in the number of tourist visits. “If all goes well and the if the weather is with us,” he added. 1.3 million tourists are..

05.12.24 09:03 |

Snow-covered slopes in Borovets, Bansko and Pamporovo before start of the new season

The ski runs in the three major winter resorts of Bulgaria - Borovets, Bansko and Pamporovo, are well covered with snow before the official start of the season, BGNES reports. The 2024/2025 season will open in Borovets on December 15. A good base of..

03.12.24 12:08 |

Yeni sezon öncesi Borovets, Bansko ve Pamporovo’daki pistler karla kaplandı

BGNES’in haberine göre, Bulgaristan’ın üç büyük kış tatil beldesi Borovets, Bansko ve Pamporovo’daki pistler, sezonun resmi açılışından önce karla kaplandı . Borovets’te 2024/2025 kış sezonu 15 Aralık’ta açılacak . Rila Dağında ve..

03.12.24 11:58 |

Les domaines skiables sont prêts à ouvrir...

Les pistes de ski à Borovets, Bansko et Pamporovo sont recouvertes de neige avant même le coup d'envoi officiel de la saison, annonce l'agence BGNES. A Borovets, la saison de ski sera inaugurée le 15 décembre. La neige est tombée en abondance dans le Rila..

03.12.24 11:37 |

Vêpres patriarcales en l'église de la Transfiguration à Borovets...

A l'occasion du 6 août, fête de la Transfiguration de Jésus-Christ, des vêpres seront célébrées ce soir par le patriarche bulgare Daniel en l'église de la Transfiguration à Borovets, dans le Rila. L'église a rouvert ses portes en avril dernier après une..

05.08.24 11:02 |

Transfiguration of the Lord Church in Borovets celebrates its holiday

For the pre-celebration of its holiday, the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord in the resort complex Borovets welcomes the Bulgarian Patriarch Daniil and the Metropolitan of Sofia for an evening service. The temple opened doors..

05.08.24 10:54 |
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