''Vazrazhdane'' is submitting a draft resolution on the coutry's withdrawal from the agreement with the World Health Organization (WHO), the party said. ''Vazrazhdane'' demands that the cabinet terminates the Basic Agreement between the Government of..
The Council of Ministers has approved the draft of a donation agreement between the World Health Organization and Bulgaria on the provision of a voluntary contribution, amounting to EUR 100,000, in support of the activities of the organization in the..
Bulgaria marks World AIDS Day with a number of initiatives. World AIDS Day has been held since 1988 on the initiative of the World Health Organization. It aims to raise awareness of the Aids pandemic caused by the HIV infection and adress the..
Bulgaria has the third highest death rate in the world caused by air pollution, according to the World Health Organization. Every year, over 15,000 people in the country die prematurely due to air pollution. It also leads to reduced productivity and..
The best medication for treating depression is applied in Bulgaria, but there is no comprehensive patient care. This was stated at a discussion on depression which the World Health Organization rates as a leading cause of disability. It was also..
The World Health Organization issued an urgent appeal for access to sick and injured people caught up in the war in Ukraine, including hundreds of “landmine victims”, premature babies, pregnant women, patients with terminal illnesses and older people,..
World No Tobacco Day is observed on 31 May each year to draw attention to the dangers of using tobacco. This year, the theme is "Tobacco - threat to our environment". According to the World Health Organization, approximately 14 grams of CO2 are..
The National Centre of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases reports a new drop in the 14-day Covid-19 incidence rate in Bulgaria – 1,302 per 100,000 residents, as compared to 1,360 a day earlier. The reproduction number is 0.95 with a downward..
2022 will be marked by the Covid-19 pandemic in Bulgaria, but not abroad where the coronavirus pandemic has already been contained. Bulgaria risks remaining an oasis of irrational thinking, Associate Professor Dr. Mihail Okoliyski, representative of..
The first case of the Delta (Indian) variant of Covid-19 has been found in Bulgaria, the National Centre for Infectious and Parasitic Diseases has announced. The test is of a patient from Pleven, a young man with a temporary residence permit..