Deputy Prime Minister Assen Vassilev and Deputy PM Kalina Konstantinova have discussed with representatives of the Association of Banks in Bulgaria and the BNB a mechanism to facilitate bank account access of Ukrainian citizens who have applied for..
More than 38,000 Ukrainian citizens have entered Bulgaria since February 24, while only 100 applications for humanitarian aid have been submitted at the Bulgarian border so far. According to the Bulgarian State Agency for Refugees , 60-70% of..
Hundreds of Bulgarians responded to the call of the Association of Ukrainian Organizations in Bulgaria "Mother Ukraine" and made donations to the people of Ukraine. Blankets, new clothes, hygienic materials are still accepted today in the Sofia-based..
In connection with the deteriorating situation in Ukraine and the provided green corridors for the evacuation of the civilian population of Ukraine, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria calls on all Bulgarian citizens to use the provided..
Hoteliers can now receive 40 Leva (EUR 10.20 ) a day for every Ukrainian refugee they have given accommodation to , Minister of Tourism Hristo Prodanov said at a meeting with representatives of the tourism industry in the resort of Golden Sands..
Regarding the information, disclosed by Prosecutor General Ivan Geshev regarding the two Russian spies, Justice Minister Nadezhda Yordanova stated that the prosecutor’s office only opens its eyes to see them and their activities on our territory when..
Close to 25,000 refugees have entered Bulgaria across the Romanian-Bulgarian border since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, according to data of the General Directorate Border Police. 73 humanitarian protection applications have been submitted at..
St. John the Baptist Gradeshnitsa monastery is opening doors to refugees from Ukraine, Hieromonk Spiridon from the monastery said for bTV. The church in the Black Sea town of Nessebar has already given shelter to the first women and children..
The Sofia-based sports Club "Begach" has extended an invite to all citizens of Sofia to take part in a charity run for peace on March 6 at 10 am. The aim is to draw public attention and raise funds to support the victims of the war in Ukraine. The..
The military actions in Ukraine do not currently pose a direct military threat to Bulgaria, but preventive actions of the institutions are needed to limit the possible risks to Bulgaria's national security. The participants in a working meeting in the..