Podcast en français

author: Ivo Ivanov

Balkan developments

North-eastern Dobrogea could become UNESCO Global Geopark The authorities in Tulcea County are taking steps for the north-eastern Dobrogea to become a UNESCO Global Geopark, a territory of sustainable development whose values and..

13.09.24 11:50 |
Prof. Ivan Ilchev

The Greatness of Bulgaria’s Unification and the Consequences of the Unionist Syndrome

On September 6, 1885, Bulgaria again became a unified state. In an interview with Radio Bulgaria, history professor from Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" Ivan Ilchev tells us more about the factors that led to the Unification, when the..

06.09.24 11:25 |
Membres du Comité central révolutionnaire secret bulgare, Plovdiv, été 1885

La grandeur de la Réunification et les conséquences du syndrome unioniste

Le 6 septembre 1885 la Bulgarie redevient un État uni. Le professeur Ivan Iltchev de l’Université de Sofia « Saint Clément d’Ohrid » raconte au micro de Radio Bulgarie comment la Réunification de la Principauté de Bulgarie et la Roumélie orientale..

06.09.24 09:00 |
Prof. Ivan Illçev

Madhështia e Bashkimit dhe pasojat e sindromës së bashkimit

Më 6 shtator 1885, Bullgaria u bë përsëri një shtet i bashkuar. Në një intervistë për Radio Bullgarinë, profesori i Universitetit të Sofjes "Shën Kliment Ohridski" Ivan Illçev foli për faktorët që çuan drejt Bashkimit, kur Principata e Bullgarisë dhe..

06.09.24 07:50 |
Prof. Iván Ilchev

La grandeza de la Unificación y las consecuencias del síndrome de la Unificación

El 6 de septiembre de 1885 Bulgaria volvió a convertirse en un Estado unido. En una entrevista para Radio Bulgaria el profesor Iván Ilchev, de la Universidad de Sofía san Clemente de Ohrid, cuenta de los factores que comdijeron a la Unificación,..

06.09.24 07:20 |

Pallati i gjuetisë në Kriçim është një vend i vërtetë mbretëror

Përgjatë shtrirjes midis Rrafshinës së Trakisë së Epërme dhe malit Rodopa nga lindja në perëndim si një varg gjerdani renditen vendbanimet piktoreske - Asenovgrad, Perushtica, Kriçim, Peshtera, Patalenica dhe Varvara. Përgjatë luginave të..

03.09.24 07:05 |

Les dernières découvertes archéologiques à la forteresse Ourvitch font revivre la légende du tsar Yassen

Sur la route de Sofia à Samokov près du tournant entre les anciens villages Kokalyané et Passarel la rivière Védéna se jette dans le fleuve Iskar et se rejoignent les montagnes Lozen et Plana surplombées par la montagne Vitocha. C’est là que..

30.08.24 15:00 |

Calidoscopio balcánico

Turquía y Grecia esperan una cosecha de aceitunas mejor La cosecha de aceite de oliva en Turquía batirá récord. La floración del olivo ha dado grandes esperanzas a los productores ya en primavera, después de la escasa cosecha de la..

23.08.24 13:29 |

Balkan developments

Turkey and Greece expect a better yield of olives The olive oil harvest in Turkey will be a record high one this year. The intense flowering of the olive trees gave hope to the producers already in the spring after the weak last season,..

23.08.24 11:38 |

Balkan developments

Turkiye to take fingerprints from foreigners arriving in the country The Turkish authorities plan to take fingerprints from foreigners arriving in the country, Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya told the Sabah newspaper. "We are working on a..

16.08.24 10:04 |