The feeling of success, no matter where one settles down, comes from communication with other people and the support you receive, from the achievements in work, as well as from pleasure in everyday life. When all this is present, one can be..
General elections and football are certainly the most discussed topics among Bulgarians living in the United Kingdom today. Bulgarians in London are voting at snap Parliamentary elections again in a moment when thousands of..
The Bulgarian National Radio has entered life and has long remained a school, music scene and inspiration for the Bulgarian composer Dimitar Nikolov. He is among the few of our colleagues who we can call the doyens of the Music Department..
2020 was the perfect social experiment, a serious stress test for the entire social system in the country, analysts from the Institute for Market Economics say. Back then, in the space of three weeks, around 90,000 people in Bulgaria..
The Covid-19 pandemic seems to be receding in Bulgaria and people have started going back to the offices. But does that spell the end of the home office? Very doubtful, experts say. “Quite the opposite, a hybrid work model is being considered with..
135 is the number of polling stations that will be established for the 11 July elections in the UK of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. After the restriction of having no more than 35 polling places in non-EU counties was done away with, Great..
The population of Bulgaria is currently about six and a half million people. Processes of population decline in the country have been deepening and the gloomy forecasts by researchers indicate that by 2040 Bulgaria’s population will decline by..
Since 2006 every second Saturday in May has been dedicated to the protection of migratory birds and their habitats. Numerous events are organized on this day to help raise awareness that human life is impossible without the bird world. The most..
Bright Week, also known as Pascha Week or Renewal Week begins today. The days after Easter bring enlightement and hope for eternal life. The Church glorifies the Holy Apostles and the Holy Theotokos and it is time for home celebrations..
On International Labour Day, May 1, we often talk about workers and their rights. Decent remuneration and well-deserved rest are an integral part of the principles of freedom and democracy, according to the rule of law. For more than a year,..
"Thraces, vin et culture", tel est le thème d'un séminaire organisé dans le site archéologique " La Vallée des Rois thraces " près de Kazanlak, qui..
Le patriarche Daniel célébrera le premier office religieux à Londres à l'occasion de la consécration de la nouvelle église orthodoxe bulgare, dédiée à..
Ce samedi 22 février, à une semaine du début du Grand carême pascal, l’Église orthodoxe bulgare célèbre le Samedi des Défunts, une journée importante..