A phone call to Bulgaria’s National Human Trafficking Hotline costs nothing, but it can save the life and health of a person unwittingly caught up in the networks of criminal groups. This is the main message of the campaign "Do you see me?" - a joint..
Unul dintre cei mai iubiți sfinți de pe meleagurile bulgărești este Sf. Dimitrie din Salonic. În Bulgaria există multe biserici ridicate în cinstea sfântului din Salonic, care a murit ca martir în secolul al IV-lea pentru că a refuzat să-i persecute..
The household prices of heating, electricity, water and gas in Bulgaria have gone up by an average of 40%, but the rise is steepest with the prices of staple foods like sugar, meat, milk, bakery products at around 10% during the last quarter of the year..
St. Demetrius of Thessalonica is one of the most revered saints in Bulgaria. There are many churches in this country, built in honor of the saint who died a martyr's death in the 4th century, because of his refusal to persecute and punish the..
“No tenemos buenos ejemplos de gestión de crisis por parte de las instituciones búlgaras en nuestro país. Muy a menudo, los intentos de hacer frente a las consecuencias de las crisis generan la sensación de que se adoptan medidas inadecuadas y que los..
Está prevista una protesta nacional de los trabajadores de los Centros de Urgencias en Bulgaria para hoy, 19 de octubre, cuando tendrá lugar asimismo la primera sesión del nuevo Parlamento búlgaro. La protesta será efectiva, y la causa..
A national protest of those employed at the Centers for Emergency Medical Services is scheduled for October 19. The protest action will take place in front of the Council of Ministers building in central Sofia. Meanwhile, the inaugural sitting..
October 10 is the day when Bulgarian archivists celebrate their professional holiday. On this date in 1951, the Presidium of the National Assembly adopted a decree on the creation of the State Archives Fund, which brought the country's archival and..
The results of the national population census conducted in September last year, which were officially presented yesterday (October 3), confirmed the alarming demographic trend that analysts have been warning about for years. The population of Bulgaria..
The largest trade union in Bulgaria (CITUB), whose members number about 300,000 people, mobilized forces and started a protest campaign demanding that the state update the budget with 70 million euros. The aim is to protect people's incomes so..
"C’est le lieu en France où nous formulons ensemble en bulgare l’avenir de nos enfants" : c’est ainsi qu’a décrit il y a un an dans un réseau social..
En 2023, grâce au programme européen "Nourriture et aide matérielle", 550 000 Bulgares ont reçu des aides sous forme de produits alimentaires de base..
Le nombre des jeunes médecins qui une fois diplômés veulent rester en Bulgarie marque une augmentation pour la troisième année de suite. Ce sont les..