Podcast en français

author: Ioan Kolev

Pulgarn, Austria, is named after the Bulgarian settlers of the 7th century

In the 20th century, the Italian researcher Dr. Vincenzo d'Amico wrote that there were over 700 settlements in Italy founded by Proto-Bulgarians.  His writings are today preserved in the National Library "St. Cyril and Methodius" in Sofia...

28.06.23 15:25 |

Dimi Comanducci explores vocal emotions, inspired by the Bulgarian children in Rome 

Our voice is our own ally on in achieving our personal goals. It is our emotional DNA, unique as the pupil of our eye, explains Dimitrinka Jordanova-Comanducci, the first voice coach in Bulgaria. She told Radio Bulgaria about the colours of emotions..

15.06.23 17:04 |
Dimi Komanducci

Dimi Komanducci explorează emoțiile vocale, inspirat de bulgarii din Roma

Vocea noastră este și aliatul nostru pe calea atingerii obiectivelor personale. Este ADN-ul nostru emoțional, unic ca și pupila ochiului nostru, explică Dimitrinka Yordanova-Komanducci, primul antrenor de voce din Bulgaria. Care sunt culorile emoțiilor..

15.06.23 15:30 |

Go green in Bedechka Park

Provocatively named, the Greenfield festival from 15 to 18 June in the Stara Zagora park "Bedechka" aims to demonstrate how the public interest for more green spaces in cities is not necessarily in conflict with the investor's interest. "On..

12.06.23 20:03 |

Să ne întâlnim "Pe verde" în Parcul Bedecika

Cu un nume provocator, dar cu o cauză națională - pentru a arăta cum interesul publicului pentru mai multă verdeață în orașe nu este întotdeauna în contradicție cu cel al investitorilor, se desfășoară în perioada 15-18 iunie, în parcul "Bedecika" din..

12.06.23 16:00 |

Shrublands absorb harmful emissions more efficiently in urban areas

On May 28 we celebrate the Day of Parks in Bulgaria. May 28 was declared the Day of Parks in Bulgaria by decision of the Ministry of Environment and Water of 1999. There are three national parks and eleven nature parks in Bulgaria. The three..

26.05.23 08:58 |

Pandemia și războiul din Ucraina au arătat puterea fatală a știrilor false

”Curiozitatea este doar vanitate. De cele mai multe ori vrem să știm doar ca să o putem arăta." - Observația fizicianului și filozofului francez Blaise Pascal, făcută în secolul al XVII-lea, capătă o nouă relevanță odată cu apariția rețelelor sociale și..

06.04.23 10:40 |

Polling stations in 61 countries have been set up for April 2 election for parliament

The parliamentary elections in Bulgaria, the fifth in two years, have already started. A maximum of 2.7 million Bulgarian citizens are expected to go to the polling stations until the end of election day (20.00 pm), which is 46% of all Bulgarians..

02.04.23 07:20 |
Александър Вучич в Босилеград на 11-ти март

I was detained because someone wants to cover up the problems in Bosilegrad, says ethnic Bulgarian Daniela Mihailovic

The first visit of a Serbian head of state to Bosilegrad and the region in 97 years, with which President Aleksandar Vucic launched his ambitious programme to solve the country's problems, became the occasion for the detention of two citizens of..

15.03.23 13:35 |

We must preserve the bond with our students around the world, say Bulgarian teachers from Ukraine

Pain, fatigue, uncertainty and fear for tomorrow. This bitter cocktail of emotions is what the citizens who have not been able to leave the Russian-occupied territories since the start of the war in Ukraine a year ago live with. These include..

15.03.23 07:25 |