Günün Programı

author: Miglena Ivanova

Kemal Rashidov: We must rely more on our young and talented footballers

The young Bulgarian football talents from the Kids Football Academy, born in 2005, won 35 victories out of 35 games in the Junior Football League 2014/2015. Team head coach Kemal Rashidov told Radio Bulgaria details about its total dominance...

05.07.15 08:25 |

Templo cristiano y sepulcro musulmán coexisten a los pies del monte Vítosha

En las inmediaciones de Sofía, casi a los pies de la montaña de Vítosha donde el bullicio urbano amaina poco a poco y cede el paso al ritmo hechizante de la naturaleza, por detrás de los árboles seculares asoma la silueta simple de la iglesia de San..

04.07.15 08:05 |

Kemal Rashidov: Të mos bëjmë nga futbollistët e talentuar bullgarë figurantë

Me një sukses të pabesueshëm – 35 fitore pa asnjë humbje, përfunduan pjesëmarrjen në Ligën e Fëmijëve shpresat bullgare të Akademisë së Futbollit për Fëmijë. Kjo epërsi e padiskutueshme e këtyre fëmijëve të lindur në vitin 2005 na dha arsye të kërkojmë..

01.07.15 14:17 |

Calidoscopio balcánico

Nikos Kotziás : Se encontrará también una solució n al problema con el nombre de Macedonia El problema con el nombre de Macedonia, así como cualquier otro problema tiene una solución, ha declarado Nikos..

28.06.15 09:00 |

Balkan Developments

Greek Foreign Minister Kodzias: The issue regarding Macedonia’s name to be solved The issue regarding the name of Macedonia can be resolved, just like any other problem, Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kodzias said during his visit to Skopje. Minister..

26.06.15 10:58 |

Christian church and Muslim grave side by side at the foot of Mount Vitosha

In the outskirts of Sofia, at the foot of Mount Vitosha where the city hubbub gradually dies down to give way to the spell-binding rhythm of nature, behind age-old trees there rises the streamlined silhouette of the St. Elijah the prophet church...

23.06.15 15:01 |

Reunión tête-à-tête con el James Bond búlgaro

Su nombre es Velislav Bónev pero, al conocer a qué se dedica, en la mente de uno se impone la imagen de un personaje de las películas de acción norteamericanas: el famoso James Bond. Velislav Bónev nació en la ciudad danubiana de Ruse y desde..

06.06.15 09:10 |

Me anijen “Radecki” drejt Bullgarisë së lirë

Gjatë natës me të gdhirë 17 maji i vitit 1876 nga qyteti rumun buzë lumit Danub Giurgiu drejt Bullgarisë së robëruar u nis një çetë prej emigrantësh me në krye poetin dhe revolucionarin Hristo Botev - një prej heronjve më të dashur kombëtarë të..

02.06.15 18:35 |

Aboard Radetzky steamship towards free Bulgaria

The year was 1876 and in the night of May 17th a military detachment of Bulgarian emigrants started their trip from the Romanian city of Giurgiu towards suffering Bulgaria, which had been under Ottoman rule for 5 centuries. Leader was poet and..

02.06.15 13:25 |

Sur le "Radetzky" vers une Bulgarie libre

Nous sommes en l’année 1876. La nuit du 17 mai de la ville roumaine près du Danube, Gyurgiu, un détachement d’insurgés   et émigrés bulgares, part vers la Bulgarie. A la tête de la troupe, le voïvode Christo Botev, un des héros nationaux les..

02.06.15 13:10 |