Günün Programı

author: Miglena Ivanova

Vëllezërit Pulevi hapin “Akademi të boksit”: “Duam të lemë gjurmë edhe pas nesh”

Kubrat dhe Tervell Pulevi – të dy të mëdhenjtë në boksin bullgar, hapin një “Akademi të boksit” në Sofje. Vëllezërit zhvillojnë idenë e vet më shumë se një vit, pa pritur ndihmë nga shteti dhe ndërtojnë qendrën, duke investuar në të 1 milionë leva para..

11.10.15 11:55 |
Kubrat Pulev and Tervel Pulev

Pulev brothers open boxing academy: “We want to leave a trace”

Kubrat Pulev and Tervel Pulev – two great Bulgarian boxers have opened Boxing Academy in Sofia. The brothers have been working on the idea for more than a year without waiting for assistance from the state. They built the centre and invested half..

07.10.15 11:11 |

Los hermanos Púlev inauguran una Academia de Boxeo: “Queremos dejar una huella”

Kubrat y Térvel Púlev, los dos Grandes del boxeo búlgaro abren en Sofía una Academia de Boxeo. Los dos hermanos estuvieron desarrollando su   idea durante más de un año, sin esperar ayuda alguna por parte del Estado. Han construido este centro..

06.10.15 12:54 |

“Lecciones del Himalaya”, nuevo libro-álbum de Stoyan Marinov

Estos días salieron de la imprenta   las “lecciones del Himalaya” de Stoyan Marinov, un libro –álbum que ha recogido pensamientos, emociones e impresiones expresadas por medio del verbo y las fotos  hechas durante el periplo, de 52 días por los senderos..

04.10.15 09:30 |

Himalayan Lessons from Stoyan Marinov

The book-album named Himalayan Lessons by Stoyan Marinov was published several days ago. It gathers thoughts, emotions and impressions expressed through speech and photos collected during the fifty-two day trip along the Himalayan walks. A trip that has..

01.10.15 13:26 |

En scooter por los alrededores de Sofía

Pasear por los alrededores de Sofía en scooter es una de las nuevas atracciones tanto para los visitantes como para los residentes en la capital que aman la naturaleza y las actividades poco comunes. Dos jóvenes amigos, Bogdan Notev e Ivaylo..

27.09.15 09:00 |

Touring Sofia vicinity riding on a scooter

Riding on a scooter and taking a tour in the vicinity of Sofia is for those citizens and guests of the city who enjoy spending their leisure time in interesting ways. Two young men – Ivailo Notev and Bogdan Dimitrov, who have loved scooters for a long..

26.09.15 10:05 |

Calidoscopio balcánico

“Bashar Al Assad puede participar en el proceso transitorio para encontrar una solución a la crisis en Siria” El presidente turco Recep Tayyip Erdogan declaró que el líder sirio Bashar Al Assad puede participar en el proceso transitorio para..

25.09.15 12:29 |

(Dis) integration of children from special schools

In February, in the wake of protests, Minister of Education Todor Tanev appeased the public that special schools would not be shut down. However, earlier this month parliament voted amendments to the law on preschool and school education. Under..

23.09.15 14:36 |

(Dez)integrimi i fëmijëve nga shkollat ndihmëse

Gjatë muajit shkurt pas protestave, ministri i arsimit Todor Tanev e qetësoi opinionin shoqëror se, shkollat për fëmijë me nevoja të posaçme arsimuese nuk do të mbyllen. Por ja që gjatë muajit shtator Parlamenti miratoi ndryshime në Ligjin për arsimin..

23.09.15 14:10 |