Programi i ditës

author: Stoimen Pavlov

Varna Balkan meeting coordinates common positions on region’s future

On 3 October the Prime Ministers of Bulgaria, Boyko Borissov, of Greece, Alexis Tsipras and of Romania, Mihai Tudose and the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, discussed, in the Bulgarian port town of Varna, common positions regarding..

04.10.17 13:37 |

Cumbre balcánica en Varna articula posiciones comunes de cara al porvenir de la región

El 3 de octubre los primeros ministros de Bulgaria, Grecia y Rumanía, Boyko Borisov, Alexis Tsipras y Mihai Tudose, respectivamente, y el presidente de Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, debatieron en la ciudad portuaria búlgara de Varna posiciones comunes con..

04.10.17 13:23 |

Arnavutluk’ta Bulgar azınlığının tanınmasına mani olan nedir?

Makedon medyasında çıkan ve Arnavutluk’ta hükümet tarafından azınlıkların korunmasına ilişkin hazırlanan yasa tasarısında resmi Tiran tarafından Makedon, Yunan, Rumen, Karadağlı, Sırp, Bosnalı ve Mısırlı azınlığı varlığının tanındığı, fakat Bulgar..

29.09.17 15:37 |

What prevents the recognition of the Bulgarian minority in Albania?

The news circulated by media outlets in the Republic of Macedonia that with the bill on the protection of minorities in Albania drafted by the government, Tirana plans to recognize Macedonian, Greek, Wallachian, Montenegrin, Serbian, Bosnian and..

29.09.17 12:50 |

¿Qué es lo que impide reconocer a la minoría búlgara en Albania?

La noticia divulgada por los medios informativos macedonios de que en virtud del proyecto de Ley de Defensa de las Minorías en Albania, preparado por el Gobierno, Tirana reconocía la existencia de minorías macedonia, griega, valaca, montenegrina, serbia,..

29.09.17 12:36 |

Ukrayna’daki Bulgarlar’ın ana dili okuma hakkı şimdilik garantili

Geçen haftanın sonunda Halk Meclisi Başkanı Dimitar Glavchev, Ukrayna’da uygulamaya konulan yeni eğitim yasasının Bulgar azınlığının ana dilini okuma haklarını etkilemeyeceği yönünde Primorsk mahalli yönetimlerden ve şehirdeki Bulgar diasporası..

26.09.17 15:03 |

Para los búlgaros residentes en Ucrania el estudio de la lengua materna parece, de momento, garantizado

A finales de la semana pasada a Dimitar Glavchev, presidente del Parlamento de Bulgaria, le fue asegurado por parte de las autoridades locales y representantes de la diáspora búlgara en la ciudad de Primorsk que la nueva Ley de Educación en Ucrania..

26.09.17 12:52 |

Mother-tongue study for Bulgarians in Ukraine looks like being guaranteed, for now

At the end of last week the President of the National Assembly Dimitar Glavchev received, from the local authorities and members of the Bulgarian community in the town of Primorsk, assurances that the new education law in Ukraine will not affect..

26.09.17 12:31 |

First reactions and expectations in Sofia after German elections

The results of the German polls – this is the hot news across Bulgaria’s printed media today. The newspapers write on “a historical victory” to “Angela Merkel won, but lost 1 mln. voters”. The big winner / loser is the Christian Democratic..

25.09.17 12:50 |

Kaléidoscope des Balkans

Ankara met au point un plan d’action pour le referendum au Kurdistan irakien Le président turc Recep Tayiip Erdogan a annoncé que le 22 septembre la Turquie publiera un plan d’action à l’occasion du référendum pour l’indépendance du Kurdistan..

19.09.17 09:59 |