Programi i ditës

author: Albena Bezovska

ppIANISSIMO Festival anniversary celebration and upcoming edition

The International ppIANISSIMOFestival marked its 20th anniversary at the end of October with a concert in Bulgaria Hall. According to Prof. BorislavaTaneva, co-chair of the forum, this event is an "autumn link" to the anniversary that started..

08.11.17 11:30 |

La Prof. Borislava Táneva, sobre la ya pasada y la próxima edición del Festival “ppIANISSIMO”

A finales de octubre el Festival Internacional “ppIANISSIMO” celebró su 20º aniversario con un concierto en la sala “Bulgaria”. Según la Prof. Borislava Táneva, copresidenta del foro, este evento es un singular “enlace otoñal” a la fiesta que..

07.11.17 15:45 |

Bulgarian National Radio Symphony Orchestra presents music works of different national traditions

On November 3 at 6.30 pm the Bulgarian National Radio Symphony Orchestra conducted by maestro Mark Kadin gives a concert in Bulgaria Hall in Sofia. The audience will enjoy some emblematic pieces such as Thracian Dances symphonic suite by Petko..

03.11.17 11:02 |

BNR Senfoni Orkestrası farklı ülkelerin geleneksel eserlerini sahneye taşıyor

3 Kasım günü BNR Senfoni Orkestrası, orekstra şefi Mark Kadin’in yönetmenliğinde birkaç temsili eserini “Bılgaria” konser salonunda seslendirecek. Bunlar arasında Petko Staynov’un “Trakiyski tantsi”(Trak dansıları) eseri de yer alıyor, ki bu eser, Petko..

02.11.17 10:57 |
Снимки: архив

Hristofor Radanov gives author’s concert dedicated to National Enlighteners Day

The Sofia Wind Orchestra conducted by Hristofor Radanov is to give a concert on November 1 in Iskar House of Culture at 6.30 pm. The festive programme is dedicated to the National Enlighteners Day. It is composed entirely of author’s pieces and..

01.11.17 11:54 |

Hristofor Radanov’dan Aydınlar Günü Konseri

Hristofor Radanov’un şefliğindeki Sofya Üflemeli Çalgılar Orkestrası 1 Kasım’da Aydınlar Günü nedeniyle konser verecek. Program, tamamen Hristofor Radanov’un bestelerinden oluşuyor. Kendisi geleneksel müzik mirasının üzerinde beste yapan en ünlü..

01.11.17 10:57 |

“Hermoso sonido” en el variado programa del concierto “Euphonia”

Esta tarde en el Estudio 1 de Radio Nacional de Bulgaria (BNR), los melómanos podrán escuchar música de distintas épocas y estilos interpretada en un instrumento cuyo nombre significa “hermoso sonido”. La idea del proyecto es de Tsvetán Troyanski,..

31.10.17 15:22 |
Mario Angelov, Tsvetan Troyanski ve Ognyan Veskov (soldan sağa).

“Güzel ses” “Euforiya” konserinin renkli programında

“Güzel ses” “Euforiya” konserinin renkli programında 31 Ekim’de BNR’nin Birinci Stüdyosunda “güzel ses” anlamına gelen farklı zamanlardan ve tarzlardan müzikler ve enstrüman karışımı besteler yer alacak. Projenin fikri Tsvetan Troyanski bando müziği..

31.10.17 14:19 |
Left to right: Mario Angelov, Tsvetan Troyanski and Ognyan Veskov

“Sweet-voiced” music in the colourful programme of tonight’s “Euphonia” concert

Tonight, 31 October, audiences will be able to hear music from different ages and in different styles, performed on an instrument whose name means “sweet-voiced”. The concert is at the Bulgarian National Radio’s concert studio – Studio No. 1...

31.10.17 11:00 |
A scene from the movie Nise– the Heart of Madness

Brazilian Movie and Culture Week starts in Sofia

The Brazilian Movie and Culture Week starts today (October 30th) in Sofia and will last till November 5th. There are 22 titles in the program and the screenings will take place at the G8 Cultural Center and at the Euro Cinema. Mrs. Nara..

30.10.17 14:26 |