Little-known works will be performed by outstanding musicians at the Bulgaria Hall in Sofia on 6 November. Variations on a Theme of Frank Bridge, Op. 10, an early work by Benjamin Britten dedicated to his composition teacher Frank Bridge, will be..
Bulgarian pop singer Lubo Kirov has presented the latest single from his new album. It's a rock explosion titled " Poslednoto reshenie " ("The Final Decision"). For the creation of the song Lubo worked once again with guitarist and music producer..
Bulgarian opera singers will pay tribute to the great basso Boris Christoff on the 110th anniversary of his birth at the concert "Bulgarian Bassos for Boris Christoff". They will perform his most emblematic roles, recalling his world triumphs with a..
Renumitul interpret bulgar de kaval Theodosiе Spasov va susține un concert în această seară la Geneva, Elveția. Concertul începe la ora 20.00 în Sala Frank-Martin și se intitulează ”Balkan Moods”. Theodosii Spassov va concerta alături de alți patru..
The renowned Bulgarian kaval player Theodosii Spassov will give a concert tonight in Geneva, Switzerland. The concert starts at 8 pm in Frank-Martin Hall and is titled "Balkan Moods". Theodosii Spassov will perform together with four other musicians:..
The Sofia Philharmonic, under the baton of Nayden Todorov, will perform tonight at the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam, considered to be one of the most prestigious concert halls in the world, the Bulgarian embassy in the Hague has announced...
Opera basso Slavin Peev will mark two decades on stage with famed arias from opera classics at the chamber Bulgaria hall in Sofia on 5 October. He will be joined by pianist and composer Blagovesta Konstantinova. The concert will feature some..
”Călătorie muzicală: de la rădăcini, spre lume” - acesta este numele concertului cvartetului românesc Quad Aces (Careul de Ași), care va avea loc la Sofia pe 12 octombrie 2024, ora 19:00, la Filarmonica din Sofia. Organizatorii acestuia sunt Ambasada..
Un concert al trupei australiene de Depressive Black Metal Austere va avea loc în această seară (26 septembrie 2024) în clubul „Mixtape 5” din Sofia. Concertul este primul al trupei în această țară și este una dintre rarele reprezentații live ale..
A concert by Australian Depressive Black Metal band Austere will take place tonight /September 26/ in "Mixtape 5" club in Sofia. The concert is the band's first in this country and is one of Austere's rare live performances, as the..