Eмисия новини
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Concert of Musica Antica – Sofia with rarely performed works

Baroque music concert with works by rarely performed composers will be presented by Musica Antica – Sofia ensemble and soprano Girgina Girginova in the Bulgarian Cultural Center in Sofia.  Along with European Baroque, the audience..

30.11.24 07:00 |

Dimitar & Hristo - ''Neslomen''

Acoustic pop with roots in Bulgarian folklore – this is the music associated with the duo Dimitar & Hristo. Dimitar Atanasov, Hristo Mladenov and the ''Time Machines’'' can’t wait to present their new songs from their brand-new album "Neslomen"...

26.11.24 06:50 |
Dragostin Folk National

The women's folk choir "Dragostin Folk National" celebrates its 30th anniversary

The women's folk choir Dragostin Folk National is celebrating three decades of its existence with a spectacular concert. The concert will take place on Sunday 24 November in the concert hall of the National Music University "Lyubomir Pipkov". Founder and..

23.11.24 18:00 |

Molec - ''The Wind''

The popular duo Mоlec is concluding their nationwide tour with a spectacular show. On November 21, at Arena Sofia, Christian Makarov and Julian Slavchev will take us through their musical universe with their new sound. Expect live instruments,..

20.11.24 13:39 |

"Anise Days" with B.T.R.

The "30 Years of B.T.R." tour, which one of the most significant rock bands in Bulgaria celebrates its anniversary with, will end with two concerts in Hall 1 of the National Palace of Culture. Due to the great interest in the concert..

19.11.24 11:34 |

"Never stop searching" – the message in Zhivko Vasilev’s music

An extraordinary journey between musical genres and geographical locations awaits us on November 14 in Sofia. The soft sound of Bulgarian folk instrument kaval will meet the classical sound of the Sofia Soloists Chamber..

14.11.24 08:44 |

"Prituri sa planinata" - Deep Zone pass on beautiful Bulgarian music to the next generations

The lords of good vibes DEEP ZONE Project are preparing their top event of the year. For the first time they are organizing DEEP ZONE All Stars, bringing together all their vocalists and collaborations over the years. For the past 25..

13.11.24 09:21 |

Kottarashky cu 2 evenimente la Berlin: o premieră a filmului Balkan Black Box și un concert

Kottarashky este unul dintre cei mai intriganți muzicieni care au apărut pe scena muzicală bulgară în primul deceniu al secolului XXI. Omul din spatele numelui de scenă este Nikola Gruev, iar munca sa este un experiment continuu de îmbinare a genurilor...

07.11.24 16:15 |

Un concert de tobe japoneze Taiko va încânta iubitorii de muzică din Sofia

Iubitorii de muzică japoneză se vor putea bucura de un concert de tobe taiko tradiționale japoneze susținut de grupul Wadaiko-Sai - Japonia. Concertul va avea loc în Sala Bulgaria din Sofia, la ora 19.00, în cadrul Zilelor culturii japoneze în Bulgaria...

05.11.24 10:30 |

Kottarashky with 2 events in Berlin: a premiere of the film Balkan Black Box and a concert

Kottarashky is one of the most intriguing musicians to have appeared on the Bulgarian music scene in the first decade of the 21 st century. The man behind the stage name is Nikola Gruev, and his work is an ongoing genre-blending experiment. He is..

05.11.24 08:23 |
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