Bei einem gemeinsamen Briefing mit ihrem moldawischen Amtskollegen Nicolae Popescu in Chisinau bestätigte die bulgarische Außenministerin Teodora Gentchowska, dass Bulgarien mit allen Staaten zusammenarbeiten werde, um Flüchtlingen aus der Ukraine zu..
Durante una rueda de prensa conjunta con su homólogo moldavo, Nicolae Popescu, en Chisináu, donde se encuentra de visita, la ministra búlgara de Exteriores, Teodora Guenchovska, ha señalado que Bulgaria está experimentando una gran carga por la..
Bulgaria will provide Moldova with the necessary assistance to handle the refugee flows, this country’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Teodora Genchovska said at a joint briefing with her Moldova counterpart Nicu Popescu in Kishinev. Minister..
Documentary photographers Mihaela Aroyo and Denislav Stoychev are in the city of Taraclia in Moldova to capture the lives of Bessarabian Bulgarians through their lenses, BTA has reported. Their idea is for photos to show more about..
Los fotógrafos documentalistas Mijaela Aroyo y Denislav Stoychev se encuentran en la ciudad moldava de Taraclia para captar imágenes de la vida de los búlgaros besarabos, informa la agencia búlgara de noticias BTA. Su idea es contar a través de fotos..
The Bessarabian Bulgarians in Taraclia celebrate the New Year on January 14 according to the old Julian calendar. They observe an unusual ritual for Moldova - that of mummer's dances. According to beliefs, mummers are mythical creatures who drive away..
Los búlgaros besarabos de la región de Taraclia en Moldavia celebran el Año Nuevo la noche del 13 al 14 de enero según el antiguo calendario juliano. Observan un rito inusual para Moldavia: los bailes de los hombres enmascarados kúker . Según las..
Children from Taraclia in Moldova were presented awards by the State Agency for Bulgarians Abroad. In the 11th edition of the children's and youth contest of the singing agency "Lyubka Rondova," there were 72 performances by 39 individual..
Moldova’s National Commission for Heraldry approved the coat of arms and the flag of Taraclia- a Moldovan town populated predominantly by ethnic Bulgarians. Artist Peter Veliksar from Taraklia is the author of the town’s coat of arms. Historian Dr...
The Bulgarian Government has provided a grant totaling EUR 90,000 to the Sts. Cyril Methodius High School in the village of Gorna Albota, in the region of Taraclia in Moldova, where a big number of ethnic Bulgarians live. The funds are allocated..