At a press conference, GERB leader Boyko Borissov said that as an opposition they would not support the government of the party "There is Such a People" (ITN). If the mandate to form a government reaches GERB, it will be returned immediately. "Get..
The Bulgarian Socialist Party will not support the government proposed by Slavi Trifonov , Socialist leader Kornelia Ninova said. She specified that if the BSP gets a mandate, it will try to form a cabinet. The protest parties cannot unite around the..
According to data of the Central Election Commission, by 13.30 PM on 12 July, 2021, with 82.02% of the section tally sheets having been processed by the section election committees abroad, the data are as follows: There is Such a People (ITN):..
Partia e Sllavi Trifonovit "Ka një popull të tillë" ka shtuar akoma 100 000 votues pranë votave të saj të marra në zgjedhjet parlamentare të 4 prillit. Votat shtesë janë nga bërthamat e GERB-SDS dhe BSP, si dhe nga ata që nuk kanë votuar ose kanë..
"Today was a good day for Bulgarian democracy because these were the fairest elections so far . And not because of the result of "There is Such a People", but because of the new election rules, which limited as much as possible the bought vote, the..
Në një koment pas fundit të ditës zgjedhore zëvendëskryetari i “Ka një popull të tillë” (ITN) Toshko Jordanov prognozoi në eterin e televizionit të partisë "7/8" se votat nga jashtë do vendosin formacionin në vendin e parë. Sipas prognozës së..
In a comment after the end of the election day, the deputy chairman of There is Such a People (ITN), Toshko Yordanov, predicted on the air of the party television "7/8" that the votes from abroad would put the political party in the first place...
The Bulgarian Socialist Party has repeated its results from the April elections. Due to their active campaign, the Socialists expected more. This was announced at a briefing by BSP leader Kornelia Ninova. According to her, many of the older BSP..
"It may turn out that the vote from abroad will decide in which direction the scales will tilt." This was stated to BNR by the executive director of Gallup polling agency, Parvan Simeonov . The agency of the official partner of the Bulgarian National..
Një sondazh përfaqësues kombëtar i agjencisë sociologjike Alpha Research, financuar nga agjencia, tregon se 5 ditë para zgjedhjeve, po vëzhgohet një paritet për vendin e parë, me një përparësi të vogël të partisë “Ka një popull të tillë" (ITN) para..