Die Aufstellung einer Regierung wird von der Unterstützung der BSP abhängen, prognostizierte in einem Interview für den BNR Rumen Getschew von der BSP. Er betonte, die Linke werde den Entwurf eines Kabinetts, das ohne Einhaltung der politischen..
There is Such a People party (ITN) which won the highest number of Parliamentary seats at the latest early general elections is to propose another prospective cabinet without negotiating ministerial positions with other political forces, announced this..
Partia që fitoi më shumë vende në Parlamentin e ri “Ka një popull të tillë” (ITN) do të propozojë një përbërje të re të qeverisë së ardhshme pa negociuar postet ministrore me forcat e tjera politike. Kjo u deklarua nga nënkryetari i partisë Toshko..
Die Partei mit den meisten Sitzen im Parlament wird eine neue Zusammensetzung der Regierung vorschlagen, ohne mit anderen politischen Kräften über Ministerposten zu verhandeln. Da s gab der Vize-Parteichef der ITN Toschko Jordanow bekannt. Der neue..
Ky do të ishte kabineti më reformist në tranzicionin bullgar, tha në një konferencë shtypi të partisë "Ka një popull të tillë" (ITN) kandidati i saj për postin e Kryeministrit Nikollaj Vasilev, kandidatura e të cilit u tërhoq ditën e enjte. "Unë..
Music producer Stanislava Armutlieva turned down the nomination for minister of culture in the prospective cabinet of ITN (There Is such a People). On Facebook she wrote that she had made her decision even before ITN’s leader Slavi Trifonov..
Der Vorsitzende der Partei „Es gibt ein solches Volk“ (ITN)Slawi Trifonow gab bekannt, dass er die Nominierung von Nikolaj Wassilew für das Amt des Ministerpräsidenten zurückgezogen hat und bald einen neuen Kandidaten sowie eine überarbeitete..
The official results of the early general elections and the distribution of the Parliamentary seats in the new 46 th National Assembly will be published in the 59 th issue of State Gazette on July 16. Later, Bulgaria’s President Rumen Radev..
In a reduced composition, Bulgaria's Central Election Commission (CEC) has announced the final distribution of seats in the 46th National Assembly. GERB leader Boyko Borissov will not be an MP. After a dispute, the CEC did not respect Borissov's..
The Movement for Rights and Freedoms (MRF) has had neither behind-the-scenes nor public interactions with the leader of "There is such a people" Slavi Trifonov on the topic of politics, MRF MEP Ilhan Kyuchyuk told BNR. He clarified that it is a matter..