Four Polish officers from the European border agency Frontex have received minor injuries as their car clashed with a tram in Sofia’s center. No passengers in the tram have been hurt.The Polish border guards are part of the team that supports the..
A specialized police force operation on the Bulgaria-Turkey border begins today aimed to curb migration and human trafficking. It has been prompted by the double increase in migration pressure since the beginning of this month, said in Burgas the..
Eighty-seven foreign nationals have been detained over the past 24 hours as they tried to cross illegally the Bulgarian-Serbian border, Border Police General Directorate said. About 8 pm last night a border policeman from the town of Tran found 54..
Under a project co-financed by the EU, the Border Police Chief Directorate has received eighty portable gas analysis sensors which can detect persons hiding away indoors by gauging carbon dioxide levels in the air. The new devices are to be used in..
"There is no other country in Europe to have reacted so quickly and to have returned refugees”, Bulgarian Prime Minister told the press after an emergency meeting that he called in Blagoevgrad over the passage of the border with Greece by two..
Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borissov has called an emergency meeting in Blagoevgrad, on the premises of the municipal government. Attendance at the meeting will include District Governor Biser Mihaylov and mayors from the southwestern region,..
Recent days have seen a slight increase in migration pressure, Deputy PM and Interior Minister Rumiana Bachvarova told the press. She pointed out that a group of 30 refugees was intercepted yesterday near the Black Sea town of Primorsko. In..
Forty three foreigners without IDs were detained by the Bulgarian Border Police at Kapitan Andreevo border checkpoint at the Bulgaria-Turkey border. The migrants travelled to Austria onboard a freight train. The illegal immigrants admitted that they..