“DPS Novo Naçalo”- “HÖH- Yeni Başlangıç” lideri Delyan Peevski Başbakan olma yolunda işaretler verdi. Peevski : “Biz birinci parti olunca hükümet kuracağaım” dedi. “Eğer Bulgarlar “DPS- Novo Naçalo” partisine hükümet kurma yetkisi verirse,..
“We find the proposal of Boyko Borissov as premier of Bulgaria absolutely unacceptable, we are not going to be involved in any trading in positions.” This is the answer We Continue the Change/Democratic Bulgaria (PP/DB) gave to the proposal by GERB..
Bulgaristan Ulusal Televizyonu BNT’ye konuşan “DPS-Novo Naçalo” oluşumundan milletvekili Yordan Tsonev, şu ana kadar kimsenin Halk Meclisi Başkanlığı adaylığı için kendilerinden destek istemediğini söyledi . Tsonev, PP-DB’yi Halk Meclisi..
“The Movement for Rights and Freedoms-New Beginning now has only one leader, and that’s me,” Movement for Rights and Freedoms-New Beginning (DPS) chairman Delyan Peevski told reporters after a meeting of the central council of the political..
GERB leader Boyko Borissov said on the sidelines of the National Assembly that he expects a parliamentary speaker to be elected next week. "I signed their main demands and sent them," he commented on the request of "We..
El líder de GERB, Boyko Borisov, declaró en los pasillos de la Asamblea Nacional que espera que la próxima semana se elija al presidente de la Asamblea Nacional. "He firmado sus principales demandas y se las he enviado", comentó, refiriéndose a la..
"If the proposal for a cordon sanitaire around Delyan Peevski and his formation ''Movement for Rights and Freedoms – A New Beginning'' does not receive support, ''We Continue the Change'' (PP) will not hold talks on the election of the Speaker of the..
BNR Burgas Radyosu, “DPS-Novo naçalo” Burgas İl Teşkilati ’nin, “Prodaljavame promyanata” lideri Kiril Petkov 'un, Delyan Peevski 'nin partisindeki hayaletlerle ilgili sözleri üzerine yayınladığı açıklamaya yer verdi. Açıklamada “ Malko Tarnovo'nun..
Slavi Trifonov, leader of There Is Such a People (ITN) declared he would sign the declaration of We Continue the Change/Democratic Bulgaria (PP/DB), with which the coalition calls for a cordon sanitaire around the leader of the Movement for Rights and..
We Continue the Change/Democratic Bulgaria (PP/DB), which came second in the 27 October parliamentary election, sent the other political forces to be represented in parliament a “Declaration for ridding the institutions and the election process of..