Traditionally, on May 4, 2021, officials from the Bulgarian Embassy in North Macedonia marked the 118th anniversary of the death of the Bulgarian revolutionary Gotse Delchev at his grave in the Church of the Holy Saviour in Skopje. In his speech,..
Quelle que soit la date de formation du nouveau gouvernement en Bulgarie, Sofia et Skopje ne devraient pas perdre de temps et doivent prendre des mesures concrètes de rqpprochement. Ils doivent ouvrir la voie au début des négociations pour..
Le Secrétaire d'Etat adjoint des USA, Matthew Palmer Palmer a déclaré sur radio "la Voix de l'Amérique" que nul ne souhaite voir des partenaires et alliés au sein de l'OTAN se confronter et s'échanger des menaces entre eux. Washington aurait donc souhaité..
Auf Anweisung der bulgarischen Vizepremier- und Außenministerin Ekaterina Sachariewa wurde der Botschafter Nordmazedoniens in Sofia ins Außenministerium gerufen, um zu erklären, ob seine Regierung mit der Verleumdungskampagne gegen Bulgarien in..
North Macedonia's progress towards EU membership is a strategic goal for Bulgaria. Its implementation depends on the political will of our southwestern neighbour to meet the criteria and to respect the rights of citizens with Bulgarian national..
On March 24 and 25, the European Parliament will vote on its annual report on North Macedonia. MEPs from the Progressive Alliance and the Greens have amended the European Parliament's annual report on North Macedonia. In them, representatives of the..
By order of Bulgarian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ekaterina Zaharieva, the interim head of the Embassy of North Macedonia in Sofia, Vladimir Krastevski, has been summoned for a..
Sur ordre de la vice-première ministre et ministre des Affaires étrangères Ekatérina Zakhariéva, le Chargé d’affaires de l’ambassade de Macédoine du Nord à Sofia Vladimir Krastevski a été convoqué pour un entretien au MAE, a annoncé le centre de presse..
All contradictions between Bulgaria and North Macedonia must be resolved. The next generations would not forgive us if we miss ed this great opportunity, Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borissov said at a meeting..
The EU does not work like Yugoslavia and we have been telling this to Skopje since 2019. Our only and constant message to them is for honest dialogue that is not held through media. This was what Minister of Foreign Affairs Ekaterina..