Susținem Ucraina în cauza sa justă de a-și păstra independența, integritatea teritorială și suveranitatea în conformitate cu Carta ONU, a declarat prim-ministrul interimar Dimitar Glavchev la Dubrovnik înainte de summitul Ucraina-Europa de Sud-Est,..
On 9 October, caretaker PM Dimitar Glavchev is taking part in the summit Ukraine-Southeastern Europe taking place in Croatia. Support for Ukraine will be in the focus of the forum in Dubrovnik, where PM Glavchev will confirm the position of..
Prim-ministrul interimar Dimitar Glavchev verifică starea actuală a structurii tehnice de tip obstacol de-a lungul frontierei de stat bulgaro-turce, a anunțat Consiliul de Miniștri pe pagina sa de Facebook. Acesta a survolat cu elicopterul structura..
There is a potential danger of a wave of migrants, caretaker Prime Minister Dimitar Glavchev said at a briefing after the meeting of the Consultative Council on National Security , at which the risks to this country stemming from the..
În prezent nu există informații despre o amenințare la securitatea cetățenilor bulgari. Cu toate acestea, au fost luate măsuri de securitate sporite în țară, securitatea fiind asigurată în locații strategice ale țării, s-a comunicat la sfârșitul reuniunii..
At a meeting with the Bulgarian community in Los Angeles, Bulgaria's Caretaker Prime Minister Dimitar Glavchev called for mass voting in the early parliamentary elections on October 27. "I will do everything possible to have fair and transparent..
Bulgaria's Caretaker Prime Minister Dimitar Glavchev, who is in the US for the Summit in New York, met in Chicago with businessmen, representatives of various Bulgarian organizations, schools and cultural centers. He congratulated the..
El primer ministro interino, Dimitar Glavchev, quien se encuentra en EE. UU. con motivo de la cumbre en Nueva York, se reunió en Chicago con empresarios, representantes de diversas organizaciones búlgaras, escuelas y centros culturales. Felicitó a los..
A reception on the occasion of Bulgaria's Independence Day was organized at the Bulgarian Consulate in New York. Official guests were Caretaker Prime Minister Dimitar Glavchev and Caretaker Foreign Minister Ivan Kondov. Glavchev congratulated..
We must modernize and rejuvenate the United Nations (UN) to ensure that it remains relevant and able to meet the challenges of the 21st century. This message was delivered by Bulgaria's Prime Minister Dimitar Glavchev at the Summit of the Future in New..