Structurile din institutele culturale ale sindicatelor KNSB și Podkrepa și din diverse domenii sunt pregătite pentru un protest în care vor lăsa Bulgaria fără evenimente culturale și vor închide toate muzeele, scenele și galeriile timp de o săptămână...
Structures of the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria (CITUB) and the Confederation of Labour "Podkrepa" in the field of culture, the Union of Bulgarian Artists and other professional organizations are ready for protests that would..
Un marș pentru ca Bulgaria să rămână republică parlamentară parte a UE și NATO este organizat în această seară pe rețelele de socializare. Startul evenimentului este dat la ora 18:30 în fața clădirii Președinției din centrul Sofiei, după care participanții..
A march for Bulgaria remaining a parliamentary republic part of the EU and NATO is organized this evening in social media. The start of the event is at 18:30 in front of the Presidency building downtown Sofia, after which the..
Rudele persoanelor decedate în accidente rutiere au organizat un protest în fața Tribunalului din Sofia și, ulterior, în fața Adunării Naționale. Protestul a început cu un minut de reculegere în memoria celor decedați. Protestatarii au cerut..
Relatives of people who died in road accidents staged a protest in front of the Sofia Court House and later in front of the National Assembly. The protest began with a minute's silence in memory of the perished. Protesters called for legislative..
The European Commission condemns the acts of vandalism against the building of its representation in Sofia which took place on Sunday. "Peaceful protests are a fundamental right in any democratic society, but violence and vandalism are..
At a national protest against the war on the roads, demonstrators in many cities and towns in Bulgaria demanded stricter sanctions for those driving at excessive speed and under the influence of alcohol and drugs, as well as effective punishments for..
A national protest against road accidents will take place today. Roads will be blocked in a number of cities across the country where serious accidents have occurred. "We are at war. Every year 500-600 people die in road accidents involving motor..
Bulgarian National Radio employees took to the streets to protest for dignified wages. Protests were held both in the capital and in regional radio stations. In Sofia, a key intersection near the radio building was closed for an hour. The..