“We do not have an answer, as yet, from any political party, to the proposal for a cordon sanitaire around the Movement for Rights and Freedoms-New Beginning in the 51 st National Assembly,” said Kiril Petkov, co-chair of We Continue the Change in..
Lawyers in Sofia, Burgas, Ruse and other cities have come out to protest against what they say is an illegitimate procedure for the election of the Prosecutor General. The election process should be stopped and a new SJC should elect a reputable and..
Avocați din întreaga țară au anunțat că se adună astăzi la prânz pentru un protest pașnic în fața clădirii Palatului de Justiție din Sofia pentru a-și exprima dezacordul față de modul în care s-a desfășurat alegerea Procurorului general. Aceștia..
Lawyers from across the country have announced that they will gather at noon today for a peaceful protest in front of the Sofia Court House building to express their opposition to the way the election of the Prosecutor General is being conducted...
Twenty-five bar associations from across the country have called on the Supreme Judicial Council, which has an expired mandate, to suspend the process of electing a new Prosecutor General and a new President of the Supreme Administrative Court. They..
Hundreds of citizens protested in the so-called triangle of power in Sofia, where the buildings of the National Assembly, the Council of Ministers and the Presidency are located, with the request for termination of the procedure for..
Sute de cetățeni au protestat aseară în așa-numitul triunghi al puterii din Sofia, unde se află clădirile Adunării Naționale, Consiliului de Miniștri și Președinției, cu solicitarea de încetare a procedurii pentru alegerea procurorului general...
Fathers staged a protest in Sofia to demand amendments to the Family Code and the introduction of shared parenting. Fathers call for the introduction of shared parenting “It is a big problem that even if you have child contact..
„Cum asigurarea de adăpost și protecție pentru 20 de copii este un pericol iminent pentru Sofia”, a întrebat primarul capitalei, Vasil Terziev, pe contul său de Facebook. Mesajul a fost postat cu ocazia unui protest organizat de asociația "Pentru..
How could the provision of shelter and protection for 20 children be an immediate danger for Sofia? This is what the capital's mayor Vasil Terziev asked on his Facebook profile. The post came on the occasion of a protest organized by..