Soit nous allons mener avec la Macédoine du Nord un dialogue honnête, soit les négociations avec ce pays risquent de se poursuivre pendant 28 ans comme ce fut le cas avec la Grèce, a déclaré à Karlovo le vice-premier ministre Krassimir Karakatchanov...
The successes of the famous singer are remarkable not only as a soloist. Over the years she has participated in various chamber and choir formations – "Avrena" Quartet, "Balkan Voices", "Dragostin Folk", "Philip Koutev" National Folklore..
Karlovo’da ilk şehir konseyinin kurulmasının 143. yılı kutlamalarına katılan Meclis Başkanı Tsveta Karayançeva, “Cumhubarbaşkanı tarafından olağan parlamento seçimleri tarihi için belirlenen 4 Nisan’ın hiçbir şekilde sağlam argüman üzerine..
La Bulgarie marque aujourd’hui les 183 ans de la naissance de Vassil Levski. Sa ville natale Karlovo est le centre des événements en son hommage. Au temple « Saint Nicolas » sera célébrée une cérémonie liturgique. Des couronnes et des fleurs ont..
„Notre histoire n’attribuera pas mes mérites à un autre“, tel est un des enseignements de Vassil Levski, l’Apôtre de la liberté bulgarе dont nous marquons ce 18 juillet le 183 e anniversaire de la naissance. Un credo qui reste toujours..
Vasil Levski, a national symbol of the fight against Ottoman domination, spent his childhood years in a modest home in the town of Karlovo. The Revival-time one-storey house of his family was built in the 18 th century by his grandfather Kuncho..
Vasil Levski, símbolo nacional de la lucha del pueblo búlgaro contra el dominio otomano, pasó su infancia y adolescencia en un modesto hogar en su Kárlovo natal, una pequeña ciudad del centro sur de Bulgaria. La casa familiar de una planta −en el estilo..
After Smolyan municipality, a state of emergency has also been declared in Karlovo municipality over the gale-force winds. The town’s mayor Emil Kabaivanov stated that no people have been injured, though there is damage to buildings. The..
The Rose Festival has gathered today in Karlovo hundreds of tourists and guests. Tour groups from Germany, Italy, Poland and Japan observed the traditional rose-picking ritual in the gardens of the neighborhood Sushitsa where this year's Queen of..