Bulgaria’s Vice President Iliana Yotova met with the President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev during her visit to that country. Iliana Yotova and Kassim-Jomart Tokayev discussed the development of the Bulgarian community in Kazakhstan. People from..
Bulgaria’s Vice President Iliana Yotova opened in Sofia a conference themed Does EU Have the Potential to be Independent Global Player, organized by the Economics and International Relations Institute and Friedrich Ebert Foundation. In her speech..
Bulgaria’s Vice-President Iliana Yotova opened a Regional Academy- "European Perspective of the Western Balkans". In the presence of participants from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia Vice-President Yotova..
The Bulgarian citizens are welcome to live and make careers in Frankfurt. We are proud with our fellow-citizens from Bulgaria. They are hard-working and ambitions. They keep their identity and meanwhile and very well integrated, the Mayor of..
The preservation and popularization of the Bulgarian language is in the focus of the policy directed to the Bulgarians abroad, this country’s Vice President Iliana Yotova said in Frankfurt at a meeting with representatives of Bulgarian Saturday and..
Bulgaria’s Vice President Iliana Yotova met today with the Bulgarian Minister of Interior Mladen Marinov, the Director of Migration Directorate Nikolai Nikolov and this country’s Minister of Education and Science Krasimir Valchev. Vice President Yotova..
Bulgaria’s Vice President Iliana Yotova met with foreign students of Bulgarian descent studying at the Medical University- Sofia. The students demand a broader information campaign on the opportunities for university education in Bulgaria,..
There is one last opportunity- the MEPs to demand the Mobility 1 Package to be dropped from the European Parliament’s agenda on Wednesday, on the day of discussions, Bulgaria’s Vice President Iliana Yotova commented. Vice President Yotova explained..
At her traditional meeting with women ambassadors to Bulgaria, Vice-President Iliana Yotova discussed human rights protection and school aggression. The meeting took place on the day when the 40 th session of UN Human Rights Council is taking..
“To be able to preserve, develop and spread the Bulgarian language, which is in danger of being lost within the Bulgarian communities in other countries we have to extend the network of schools abroad,” said Vice-President Iliana Yotova. There..