The ruling parties in Bulgaria's government did not reach agreement on reducing VAT in tourism and the restaurant sector. There is no reason to reduce VAT amidst the current crisis and the state budget cannot afford it, GERB members said. We..
Zum ersten Mal in der Geschichte des Nationalen Tags der Arbeit und Solidarität wird er weltweit unter den Bedingungen einer Pandemie begangen. In Bulgarien gehört der 1. Mai zu den gesetzlichen Feiertagen. Falls die Ansammlung von Menschenmassen nicht..
Başbakan Boyko Borisov Parlamento’nun olağanüstü oturumuna katılarak, hükümetin Covid- 19 krizinde aldığı önlemleri değerlendirdi.Borisov, krize rağmen ekonomide birçok sektörün tam kapasite çalıştığını, tarım, İT ve inşaat sektöründe ciroların..
Die oppositionelle BSP hat das Verfassungsgericht angehalten, Texte aus dem Gesetz über elektronische Kommunikation aufzuheben, die es dem Innenministerium ermöglichen, unter Quarantäne gestellte Bürger über ihre Handys zu überwachen. Die Änderungen im..
If elections were held today in Bulgaria GERB would earn 22% of the votes and the Bulgarian Socialist Party can rely on the support of 16.9% of the voters. The Movement for Rights and Freedoms will place third with 5.6% of the votes, a sociological..
Në një intervistë televizive kryetarja e Partisë Socialiste Bullgare (BSP) Kornelija Ninova shpjegoi se të dielën në kongresin e jashtëzakonshëm të partisë e ka tërhequr dorëheqjen e saj të shpallur publikisht pak më herët, sepse e kanë bindur ta..
In a TV interview on Monday the Chairperson of the Bulgarian Socialist Party Kornelia Ninova explained that she withdrew her resignation at the extraordinary congress of the party on June 16, because she was convinced by party members to do so. Ninova..
The leader of the Party of European Socialists, Sergei Stanishev, has for the second time shuffled the BSP list for the European Parliament Election. Thanks to preferences he ranks second after the leader Elena Yoncheva. The PES head has received over..
The electoral support distance between the two main political parties in Bulgaria GERB and the Bulgarian Socialist Party has increased from 1.5% to 2% in favor of BSB by May 8, the latest survey of Mediana sociological agency shows. BSP would receive..
The scandals and the revelations in Bulgaria over the past few weeks have undermined the trust of the GERB party electorate, indicates a Gallup International survey regarding electoral attitudes for the May elections for European Parliament...