In 2024, the National History Museum sent expeditions to 22 archaeological sites. More than 1,400 artifacts were found during the season spanning the period from prehistoric times down to the Middle Ages. The most significant of these discoveries are..
Despite the short time for excavations and insufficient funding, the completed Archаeology Season 2022 has turned out to be extremely successful. According to reports from Bulgaria’s National History Museum , the discoveries made, covering almost..
There exists an established public agreement about the concept of archaeology, which mostly revolves around excavations and mysterious treasure hunts. However, in the eyes of archaeologists, the real treasures are the unearthed artefacts – tiny fractions..
Archaeologists have discovered a treasure in the Kaliakra Fortress on the northern Bulgarian Black Sea coast. The treasure was discovered in a little clay pot hidden under the floor of a room that burned down at the end of the 14th century, the..
“One of the opinions stated at the working meeting was that the territories should be re-mapped,” said Environment Minister Neno Dimov after the meeting in Kavarna on the Kaliakra case. “Next Wednesday the positions of the working groups..
Bulgarian Minister of Environment and Waters Neno Dimov is arriving in Kavarna to attend a meeting on the Kaliakra case. The other participants include Nina Stavreva, mayor of Kavarna municipality, her team, as well as representatives of the..
In a telephone conversation, Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borissov has discussed with the EU Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Karmenu Vella the current situation related to the Kaliakra protected area on the Black Sea..
The meeting of Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borissov and Minister of Environment Neno Dimov with the mayors of Kavarna, Balchik and Shabla over tensions linked to the region of Kaliakra has ended. Representatives of the initiative committee..
After Bulgarian Minister of the Environment, Neno Dimov, repealed an ordinance that envisaged prohibiting construction, fishing and agriculture activities in the Kaliakra eco-zone, on Sunday the minister initiated a meeting with the mayors of Kavarna,..