There is a real risk that Bulgaria will not be able to join the eurozone on January 1, 2024, the Governor of the Bulgarian National Bank Dimitar Radev warned during a hearing in the National Assembly. "The delay in joining the euro area is..
The elections have passed but uncertainty about the future after them remains. To the expectations for a regular cabinet with a longer work horizon, people also add the hope that the MPs will try to control inflation and to raise incomes. Before the..
The annual rate of inflation accelerated for the 19th consecutive month and reached 18.7% in September compared to 17.7% in August, data from the National Statistics Institute show. This has been its highest level since 1998, when..
Compared to other European countries, inflation rates are too high. Speaking to journalists, Vice President Iliana Iotova, who participated in a conference entitled "Medical Error and Rules of Good Medical and Clinical Practice", stressed that that it..
In November the price of natural gas is expected to fall once again, said Minister of Economy in the caretaker cabinet Nikola Stoyanov. He pointed out that the volumes of gas for the winter period have been provided. Unless there is an unexpected..
The maximum pension in Bulgaria will rise to EUR 1,738 as of tomorrow, October 1. In July 2022, the maximum pension increased from EUR 766 to EUR 1,022. The recalculation of pensions granted until the end of 2021, will also come into effect on..
"There is social tension in all sectors. People are getting poorer every day and if this process is not curbed, social tension will turn into a bomb," Todor Kapitanov, vice president of the largest national trade union - CITUB, has..
“Bulgaria will support new European sanctions against Russia but they should not be at the expense of the European citizens,” Anton Kutev, spokesperson for the caretaker government said for public service TV BNT. Bulgaria cannot but condemn the..
Early bookings for the winter season in Pamporovo by Bulgarian and foreign tourists are on the rise , said Marian Belyakov, Executive Director of Pamporovo AD. The increased interest from tour operators and the growth of individual bookings..
According to the latest data, inflation is about 19% on an annual basis, Bulgaria's caretaker Minister of Economy Nikola Stoyanov announced to Nova TV. He does not expect a bigger increase in inflation until the end of the year. He believes that after..