Cars formed four kilometer-long line at Kulata-Promachonas border checkpoint at the Bulgaria-Greece border. There are less cargo vehicles at the border crossing into Greece and traffic is less intense than yesterday. Teams of Bulgaria’s Traffic Police..
After the closure of border checkpoints to neighbouring countries, a 15-kilometre line of trucks, buses and cars formed at the Kulata-Promachonas border crossing between Bulgaria and Greece . According to border police data, traffic towards..
Truck traffic at the "Kulata" border checkpoint on the Bulgarian-Greek border has been intensive. There, as well as at the checkpoints of Ilinden, Makaza, Kapitan Petko Voyvoda and Ivaylovgrad, EU citizens can enter Greece without being subject to..
Turkey has reopened traffic to foreign citizens travelling in cars, vans and buses. Outbound freight traffic from Bulgaria at Lesovo border checkpoint is heavy, and normal at Kapitan Andreevo. As of 15 June, 2020, at the border with Greece,..
At the start of the 3-day long weekend in Bulgaria from May 1 to May 3, strong traffic of cars through the checkpoints at the entrances and exits of Sofia and other regional cities is being monitored . The restrictions on intercity travel due to..
Bulgaria's Health Minister has ordered a temporary ban on entry into Bulgaria of persons and vehicles coming from Turkey through the Lesovo-Hamzabeyli, Kapitan Andreevo-Kapikule and Malko Turnovo border checkpoints . Exemptions are made for heavy-duty..
Despite the calls not to travel for Easter, long columns of cars formed at Sofia’s exit points. Prime Minister Boyko Borissov stated that the unemployment benefits of the people leaving the towns, under the pretext of going to work who give..
A 66% drop in visits to shopping and leisure facilities, 36% less visits to market outlets, drugstores and pharmacies, passengers at bus stations, train stations and metro stations are reduced by 58% . Travels to jobs are reduced by one third. This is..
Busy traffic is expected in Bulgaria today and on Saturday before the forthcoming Christmas holidays. Usually at this time of the year, over 300,000 cars leave Bulgaria’s capital Sofia. Bulgaria’s Road Traffic Police has launched the necessary..
A number of specialized traffic police operations are planned over the coming long weekend for driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol, speeding and compliance with traffic regulations, said chief inspector Ilia Georgiev from the traffic..