At 8:00 a.m., public transport employees began blocking key junctions in the Bulgarian capital Sofia. They insist on an urgent update of the state budget due to the jump in prices. The protesters gathered at Lion's Bridge, Stochna Gara and Pette..
Traffic at some border checkpoints with Turkey and Romania has been intensive, Bulgarian border police reported. The traffic across the bridges near Ruse and Vidin, as well as on the ferry Nikopol - Turnu Magurele, is significant. The passage..
A protest demonstration blocked traffic at Kapitan Andreevo border checkpoint twice today. The protesters blocked off incoming traffic from Turkey, in protest against the so-called election tourism, alleging that buses were crossing the border with..
For the third day, residents of Aytos, Burgas region, will go out in protest tonight because of the carelessness of the institutions and with a request to build a bypass road in the area, which will take the heavy traffic out of the town. Dozens of..
Although t he Ilinden-Exo c hi border checkpoint opened on July 2, most tourists continue to head towards Kulata-Promachonas border crossing today, where 4 counters are open. According to the Bulgarian National Television, cars formed..
The Ambassador of Greece to Sofia Dimitris Chronopoulos has informed Bulgaria’s caretaker Minister of Transport Georgi Todorov that 3 mobile teams and 34 more law enforcement officers have been sent to Kulata-Promachonas border crossing on July 1, in..
A few days before the official start of the seaside holiday season, kilometers of queues of cars clogged the bypass of the Trakia highway through Stara Zagora , Nova TV reported. The columns of cars at the exit of the Trakia highway near Chirpan to..
About half a million vehicles left the capital Sofia over the long Easter break which started on April 30 (Friday) . Today, in the last non-working day, increased traffic is expected on the Thrace highway in the direction of Sofia. The police recommend..
Despite the pandemic, the pre-holiday traffic in the capital Sofia and the exits to the Trakia and Hemus highways has become intense. Traffic police call for careful driving and remind that the rules must be followed. Traffic police teams will be..
The Supreme Administrative Court has ordered t he practice of issuing penalty decrees for unpaid fines under the Road Traffic Act at the Kulata-Proma c hon as and Ilinden-E x o c hi b order c rossings to be stopped , the court's..