Vice President Iliana Yotova: I voted for a return to statehood “We, Bulgarians are taking our fate into our own hands, and these elections will be the first step towards normalcy, towards a return to laws and rules, towards unleashing the..
President Rumen Radev called for a prompt reaction by the responsible institutions in Bulgaria and in North Macedonia to reports by our compatriots in the Republic of North Macedonia of significant problems they are faced with. The position of the..
Our society needs a change in the model of governance and strengthening of the relations between citizens and the state. This is the main conclusion of the public discussion on the draft National Strategic Document of Bulgaria,..
In a special address to the nation, President Rumen Radev announced he was setting the date for parliamentary elections in the country on 4 April, 2021.This is one week after the earliest possible date after the expiry of the term of office of the..
Minutes before the end of 2020, Bulgarian President Rumen Radev made his traditional New Year's address to the Bulgarian people. In it, he pointed out that Bulgaria and the world were looking back at a "difficult and divisive year" - with a..
In the Presidency in Sofia, the Bulgarian head of state Rumen Radev has held a meeting with US Ambassador to Bulgaria Herro Mustafa. Among the topics of discussion were the Bulgarian hosting of the Three Seas Initiative for regional transport,..
Projects for modernization of Bulgaria and for transparent and effective management is presented on December 3 in the Presidency, the press office of the Head of State has reported. The proposals of the presidential institution have been made..
“North Macedonia’s membership of the EU is of paramount importance to the region and Bulgaria has always supported it but we must have clear guarantees that the unity of the Bulgarian nation and cultural heritage will never be called into question. I..
“The European Parliament resolution on Bulgaria must lead to elections right now,” President Rumen Radev said in Varna. He expressed strong doubt that the election code, which he vetoed after which parliament overturned the veto, can guarantee..
President Rumen Radev declared he would submit his proposals for changes to the constitution after the holding of new parliamentary elections. In his words there is no reason why he should submit his proposals for constitutional changes with..