The number of signals related to violence against women in Bulgaria has increased during the Covid-19 pandemic. This is what the non-governmental organization Zonta International in Bulgaria has alarmed. "The number of cases is not..
“Very often the institutions in this country push the victims of domestic violence away, downplaying what they have been through. Without realizing that a slap in the face, a blow, even when followed by a reconciliation between victim and..
Sofia Municipality is to finance projects aimed to support children, families and disadvantaged citizens. The projects aim to improve their quality of life and help them overcome social exclusion. They are part of the Social Innovation..
Bulgaria is one of the countries where no official statistics are kept on victims of domestic violence. Only the Ministry of Interior maintains a database of signals submitted to the system. According to t his data , a total of 3,057..
It is necessary to drop the requirement for systematic acts of violence in order to be able to punish the perpetrators. Currently, at least 3 offenses need to be perpetrated in order for an abuser to be punished. This was said by Bulgaria's Ombudsman..
On January 26, Bulgaria's Ombudsman Diana Kovacheva organizes an online discussion of the Domestic Violence Protection Bill. The discussion will start at 11 am in the ZOOM platform and will be broadcast on the profile of the public defender on..
During the coronavirus pandemic, there has been an increase in domestic violence in all EU countries, especially against women, Bulgaria’s Minister of Justice Desislava Ahladova said in an interview for BNR's Horizont channel. Data of a national..
The Covid-19 pandemic, the two-month lockdown imposed in Bulgaria in the spring of 2020 and the ongoing anti-epidemic measures made people spend much more time in family environment with their relatives. This may sound wonderful for the..
"You may know such women, they are all around us. Do not stand indifferent. They need your support!” This is the appeal of organizers of a charity bazaar with the goal to help women who have suffered from domestic violence. On July 18, the..
Bulgaria’s government adopted the 2020 National Programme for Prevention and Protection against Domestic Violence. The document is developed by several ministries: the Bulgarian Ministry of Interior, the Bulgarian Ministry of Justice, the Bulgarian..