Sunny weather is expected in Bulgaria on Friday. The lowest temperatures will range from 12°C to 17°C, for Sofia around 12°C. Daytime highs will range from 25°C to 32°C, for Sofia around 28°C. It will be sunny over the Black Sea coast. Clouds..
Sunny weather is expected in Bulgaria on Thursday. Rainfall will also stop in the southernmost mountain ranges. The minimum temperatures will be from 12 to 18 °C, in Sofia - 12 °C. The maximum temperatures tomorrow will be from 23 °C to 28 °C, in the..
Tuesday will be sunny. There will be clouds over the mountains in the afternoon, and brief rain with thunder may fall in places. Minimum temperatures will be 14°C to 19°C, in Sofia - 14°C. Maximum temperatures will be from 26°C to 31°C, in the capital..
On Monday, clouds will continue to develop with brief showers and thunderstorms . There will also be hail. The wind will be weak to moderate from the west-northwest, in Eastern Bulgaria from the north-northeast. Daytime temperatures will drop and the..
Monday will be mostly sunny over western Bulgaria . There will be clouds in the afternoon, but almost no precipitation. In the east, cumulus clouds will develop and in many places there will be brief, temporarily intense showers and thunderstorms. There..
On Wednesday it will be cloudy, more significantly at noon and in the afternoon hours . In places in Western Bulgaria, there will be short rainfalls. No rain is expected along the Danube river. The minimum temperatures will be from 13 to 17°C..
Tuesday will be cloudy over western Bulgaria with heavy afternoon showers. There will be conditions for hail. In the east it will be mostly sunny with almost no precipitation. Minimum temperatures will be between 11 and 16°C, in Sofia - 11°C...
The weather in Bulgaria on Tuesday will be mostly sunny. After noon, cumulus clouds will develop over the mountains in Western Bulgaria and it will rain there. The minimum temperatures will be from 11 to 16°C, in Sofia - 11°C. Maximum..
Clouds will be significant overnight and there will be brief showers of rain with thunder in many places, mainly in western Bulgaria . Sunday will still be cloudy with cumulus clouds. In the west, there will be intense short-term showers which may be..
It will be sunny on Wednesday before noon . In the afternoon hours, cloudy skies are expected and there will be short rain showers and thunderstorms mainly over Western Bulgaria . Hailstorms are possible. The minimum temperatures in Bulgaria..