Bulgaria's ombudsman Diana Kovacheva insists that the compensations for the household consumers of natural gas be increased. In a letter to the ministers of finance and energy Assen Vassilev and Alexander Nikolov, she informs that citizens feel..
A working group is to decide whether municipalities will receive compensations for the soaring electricity prices. “Money can be allocated after the public procurement contracts are checked in each municipality that requests money of the..
“Because of the rising prices on the energy exchange businesses will receive compensations from the state for December, as well as for the first quarter of 2022,” Minister of Energy Alexander Nikolov announced. The companies which have..
Bulgarian Minister of Social Affairs Denitsa Sacheva has updated the order for compensations under the " Keep M e" scheme . According to the renewed order from March 22 to 31 employees forced to go on leave from shopping..
Minister of Labour and Social Policy Denitsa Sacheva issued an order listing the employees from which economic activities, temporarily restricted due to Covid-19, will be entitled to compensations of 12 euro per day from the state if they are on..
Last week, more than 12,000 people recovered from COVID-19. The pressure on the health system has weakened. Sofia is not anymore in the list of districts with highest morbidity – with more than 1,000 Covid-19 cases per 100,000 people. Only Gabrovo..
67% of the money the state has paid out to employers has been to preserve jobs during the state of emergency declared on 13 March, 2020, and was targeted at the economic sectors hit hardest by the pandemic. These are the processing..