Bulgaria will receive the first transfer of funds under the Recovery and Resilience Plan in the amount of 1.35 billion euros by the end of the year. In an interview with Nova TV, Deputy Prime Minister for European Funds Atanas Pekanov..
A bill on confiscating frozen Russian assets on the territory of the EU, as part of the measures against Moscow, is expected to be drafted by December when the European Council is to hold a meeting, European Commissioner for Justice Didier..
MPs from 10 parliamentary committees met with the head of the Recovery and Resilience Task Force, Celine Gauer, who is visiting Bulgaria. In her address to the MPs, she pointed out that the early elections and the lack of a regular..
The European Parliament says "yes" to Croatia for Schengen The European Parliament has voted a resolution on the admission of Croatia to Schengen. An appeal has been made for the Council of the EU to approve the acceptance of Zagreb by the end of..
Bulgaria will participate in the training mission of the EU for military assistance to Ukraine - European Union Military Assistance Mission in Ukraine (EUMAM UA). The decision on the national contribution was made by the Council of Ministers in..
Mourning was announced in the municipality of Elhovo on November 9 in memory of the 32-year-old police officer Petar Bachvarov, who was killed in a shootout at the border. The junior inspector will be posthumously awarded a Badge of..
The Central European Initiative (CEI) reaffirmed the support of the countries taking part in the initiative for the enlargement of the EU. This took place at a two-day meeting of CEI foreign ministers in Sofia, hosted by Bulgaria’s Foreign..
Bulgaria cannot resell Russian oil to other countries, European Commission Spokesperson, Daniel Ferrie, has told journalists. The country is exempted from the sanctions on Russian oil imports by sea . Ferrie recalled that the exception from the..
With 547 votes in favour, 49 against and 43 abstentions, the European Parliament adopted a resolution demanding that the Council of the EU allow Bulgaria and Romania to become part of Schengen by the end of the year. In the document,..
Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia have fulfilled the conditions for joining Schengen and it is high time that the Council of the EU takes the necessary steps. This is what a spokesperson of the European Commission said at a press..