The European Union is the most preferred partner for Bulgarians – both in the economy (42%) and in the sphere of security (40%). These percentages are above the average for the world, and place Bulgaria among the leading pro-European countries in the..
Mayor of Istanbul sentenced to prison for insulting high ranking public officials A Turkish court convicted the mayor of Istanbul Ekrem Imamoglu, at first instance, sentencing him to two years and seven months of imprisonment on charges..
EU heads of state and government have approved Croatia's entry into Schengen and expressed hope that Bulgaria and Romania will be able to join the zone in 2023, President of the European Council, Charles Michel said at a press..
At the European Council meeting in Brussels, EU leaders approved providing 18 billion euros of financing to Ukraine in 2023 and adopted the 9th package of sanctions against Russia. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz promised more aid after Ukrainian..
Bulgaria presented, at the EU General Affairs Council, a declaration on the need for the authorities in Skopje to effectively prosecute and condemn hate crimes in North Macedonia. The EU General Affairs Council has accepted the findings of the..
In the wake of the Council of the EU decision not to admit Bulgaria and Romania to the Schengen area, Bulgarian MEP from the Renew Europe Group Ilhan Kyuchyuk warned that Bulgaria’s non-admission to Schengen is turning into a big problem for the..
For the first time since Russia waged war on Ukraine, US President Joe Biden stated he was prepared to speak with Vladimir Putin if he shows an interest in looking for a way to end the war. “I'm prepared to speak with Mr. Putin if in fact..
Much of the fish stocks in Bulgaria are at critical levels. During the opening conference under the "Europe in Bulgaria: Common Future" project, Deputy Minister of Agriculture Georgi Sabev, announced that control over both professional and..
During a police operation early this morning, a vehicle with a Bulgarian driver and 10 illegally residing foreign citizens was stopped near the village of Iganovo near Karlovo. Four Bulgarians were also detained in a jeep that..
Ministers Yavor Gechev and Ljupco Nikolovski discussed in Skopje the prospects for cooperation between Bulgaria and North Macedonia in the sphere of agriculture. According to information of the Bulgarian Ministry of Agriculture,..