author: Ivo Ivanov

Les dernières découvertes archéologiques à la forteresse Ourvitch font revivre la légende du tsar Yassen

Sur la route de Sofia à Samokov près du tournant entre les anciens villages Kokalyané et Passarel la rivière Védéna se jette dans le fleuve Iskar et se rejoignent les montagnes Lozen et Plana surplombées par la montagne Vitocha. C’est là que..

30.08.24 15:00 |

Calidoscopio balcánico

Turquía y Grecia esperan una cosecha de aceitunas mejor La cosecha de aceite de oliva en Turquía batirá récord. La floración del olivo ha dado grandes esperanzas a los productores ya en primavera, después de la escasa cosecha de la..

23.08.24 13:29 |

Balkan developments

Turkey and Greece expect a better yield of olives The olive oil harvest in Turkey will be a record high one this year. The intense flowering of the olive trees gave hope to the producers already in the spring after the weak last season,..

23.08.24 11:38 |

Balkan developments

Turkiye to take fingerprints from foreigners arriving in the country The Turkish authorities plan to take fingerprints from foreigners arriving in the country, Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya told the Sabah newspaper. "We are working on a..

16.08.24 10:04 |

Linja hekurudhore për në Bullgari është e padëshiruar nga autoritetet e reja në Shkup

Në javët e fundit, qeveria e re në Maqedoninë e Veriut, e udhëhequr nga Hristijan Mickoski, çuditërisht kërkoi që të ndërpritet ndërtimi i linjës hekurudhore drejt Bullgarisë. Argumentet e palës maqedonase janë se projekti për ndërtimin e hekurudhës..

08.08.24 07:05 |

Les nouveaux dirigeants en Macédoine du Nord font marche arrière sur la construction d'une ligne de chemin de fer vers la Bulgarie

Il y a quelques semaines, le nouveau gouvernement de la Macédoine du Nord du premier ministre Hristijan Mickoski a créé la surprise avec son intention déclarée de stopper la construction de la ligne de chemin de fer vers la Bulgarie qui fait..

07.08.24 13:00 |

Railway line to Bulgaria has become unwanted by the new rulers in Skopje

In the past few weeks, the new government in North Macedonia, led by Hristijan Mickoski, surprisingly demanded that the construction of the railway line to Bulgaria be stopped. The arguments are that the project for building the..

05.08.24 16:04 |

Los nuevos gobernantes de Skopje no quieren una línea de ferrocarril a Bulgaria

En las últimas semanas, el nuevo gobierno de Macedonia del Norte, presidido por Christian Mitkoski, ha pedido inesperadamente que se detenga la construcción de la línea ferroviaria a Bulgaria. Los argumentos de la parte macedonia son que el proyecto de..

05.08.24 14:06 |

Calidoscopio balcánico

Serbia registra un descenso de inmigrantes y cierra centros de refugiados La comisaria serbia de Refugiados y Migración, Natasa Stanisavljevic, ha declarado que el número de inmigrantes en el país ha descendido un 80% y que se ha tomado la..

02.08.24 13:45 |

Latest archaeological discoveries in Urvich fortress revive legends of Tsar Yassen

On the road leading from Sofia to Samokov upstream the Iskar River near the big picturesque bend between the former villages of Kokalyane and Pasarel at the Devil's Bridge is the Srednoberdie Ridge. There the Vedena River flows into the Iskar and the..

26.07.24 05:05 |