The Bulgarian Sunday School "ABV" in Finland opens the new school year

The new school year at the Bulgarian Sunday School "ABV" in Finland opens today with a celebration in the school yard, the educational center announced. A short cultural program with greetings and congratulatory addresses is planned, followed by free outdoor games.

"Please, if you haven't returned the textbooks yet, do so so that they can be used in the upcoming school year," the teachers appealed to the children.

The Bulgarian Sunday School "ABV" was created on the initiative of the Society of Bulgarians "Club Bulgaria" and is part of the List of Bulgarian Sunday Schools Abroad of the Ministry of Education and Science. In it, the children study the Bulgarian language and literature, history and geography of Bulgaria, as well as additional classes on the interdisciplinary subject "Life and culture", in which the students get to know Bulgarian folk dances, traditions and customs.

From this school year, a children's workshop "Malcho" for children from 2 to 4 years old was opened at the school.