The Monument of Freedom (known as the Monument of Shipka) represents a structure standing at St. Nicholas peak in the Balkan Range. In the summer of 1877 this place was the scene of the Shipka battle, one of the clashes that were decisive for the..
Livingston Island, in the South Bay of Antarctica, is where the Bulgarian Antarctic base, St. Kliment Ohridski, is located. The first Bulgarian research expedition arrived in Antarctica in the spring of 1988, laying the beginning of Bulgarian..
Among the centuries-old forests and meadows of the most mystical Bulgarian mountain – the Rhodope Mountains, a non-traditional and non-urban festival takes places, gathering under the open sky musicians, artists, acrobats, poets and artists from all over..
The profit of non-financial enterprises for 2016 alone is estimated at 20 billion leva and this upward trend continues so that, with a better distribution of the revenue coming from what we produce, it is absolutely possible that the current..
Sofia is a fascinating place, seen through the eyes of a foreigner that has come to live here. A young and intelligent lady from Germany has arrived to the capital to teach German to students for a while. This country has revealed to her its..
The Credo Bonum foundation is popular among the citizens of the big Bulgarian cities with its Books for Waste campaign which encourages people to collect plastic waste. People who hand over 1 kilo of waste have the option to choose a new paper..
There is one big publishing house that no serious conversation about modern Bulgarian literature could go without, and it is steered, with a steady hand, by the grande dame of the literary market in the country – Bozhana Apostolova. Any..
The future of Europe and young people, the Western Balkans, Security and Stability, Digital Economy – these were the priorities of the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the EU this country clearly pointed out ahead of the start of the..
Citizens' Dialogues Initiative is a series of thematic meetings that enables representatives of European structures in Brussels to meet face to face with citizens and talk about common issues of the community. The idea of organizing such kind of..
They call Adelina Banakieva the woman with a cause for a reason. She always gives a helping hand to children in need – when they cannot go to school, because they have no shoes, or live in abandoned old vehicles in the streets. Adelina..
En matière d’aviation, la Bulgarie a des raisons d’être fière, la Bulgarie peut se targuer d'un patrimoine riche et prestigieux. Depuis les premiers..
558 jeunes Bulgares de 18 ans pourront partir à la découverte de l'Europe en train, pour connaître la culture des différents pays et se faire de..
"La terreur du Kremlin prend des dimensions inédites et c'est un chantage nucléaire évident. La tentative de détruire le sarcophage de Tchernobyl met en..