Podcast en français

author: Elena Karkalanova

Los búlgaros en el país y en el extranjero vuelven a votar a Parlamento

A las 07.00 ha comenzado la jornada electoral durante la cual los búlgaros deben elegir a sus 240 representes en la 48 Legislatura de la Asamblea Nacional. Este es el cuarto voto parlamentario en los últimos 18 meses. 22 partidos y seis coaliciones..

02.10.22 07:15 |

Bulgaria afronta nueva campaña electoral; ¿tendrá un desenlace la crisis política?

Por cuarta vez en el marco de menos de un año y medio los búlgaros acudirán a las urnas en un intento de elegir una representación parlamentaria que forme un gobierno estable. A pesar de que Bulgaria está a principios de la campaña..

05.09.22 15:51 |

Se nota un deterioro del clima empresarial en Bulgaria en agosto

El clima empresarial en Bulgaria se ha deteriorado en 3.4 puntos en agosto con respecto al mes de julio , indica la encuesta tradicional del Instituto Nacional de Estadística. El precario entorno económico sigue siendo el principal..

30.08.22 16:32 |

Veneta Nenkova, founder of a Bulgarian school in Rome: We are here, use us and let's work together for Bulgaria

Bulgarian heritage from all over the world, discovered and documented by Bulgarian children - this is the theme of a new exhibition in the lobby of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, gives the start to the annual meeting of the Association of..

28.07.22 08:57 |

Education abroad is essential to national security

Sunday schools are at the heart of Bulgarian communities around the world, where children learn their mother tongue, culture, history and traditions. There are nearly 400 schools abroad and more than half of them are members of the State Agency for..

26.07.22 16:11 |

Yurt dışındaki eğitim milli güvenliğin bir öğesidir

Çocukların anadilini, kültür, tarih ve geleneklerimizi öğrendiği Pazar okulları, dünyadaki Bulgar topluluklarının kalbi ve ruhudur.  Yurt dışında açılan yaklaşık 400 okulumuzun yarısından fazlası Yurt dışındaki Bulgar okulları Derneği’nde birleşiyor...

26.07.22 13:34 |

Bulgar kültürünü dünyaya yaymak konusunda BNR ve Devlet Kültür Enstitüsü sözleşme imzaladı

Bulgaristan Ulusal Radyosu BNR, Bulgar kültürünü dünyaya yaymak konusunda Dışişleri Bakanlığı’na bağlı Devlet Kültür Enstitüsü’nün ortağı oldu. Bu ortaklık, 2005 yılından bugüne kadar, kültürel diplomasi ile kültür-tarih mirasının ve çağdaş..

13.07.22 17:03 |
Milen Mitev - BNR Director General, Snezhana Yoveva - director of the State Cultural Institute

BNR and Bulgaria’s Cultural Institute join efforts to promote Bulgarian culture around the world

The Bulgarian National Radio is now a partner of Bulgaria’s State Cultural Institute (SCI) with the Minister of Foreign Affairs in the promotion of Bulgarian culture around the world. This became possible through the signing of a strategic..

13.07.22 13:37 |

La Cuaresma prepara a los creyentes para la fiesta cristiana más preclara: la Resurrección de Jesucristo

Hoy comienza la Cuaresma, el periodo de ayuno más largo del año, que tiene por objetivo preparar a los creyentes para la Pascua de Resurrección , la más importante fiesta para los cristianos ortodoxos que este año se celebrará el 24..

07.03.22 16:48 |

Preparations for evacuation of Bulgarian citizens from Ukraine by land

Ukraine’s airspace is closed. For this reason, the evacuation of Bulgarian citizens from the country by land is to begin in coordination with the other foreign diplomatic missions we are in contact with, Mitko Dimitrov, spokesperson for the..

24.02.22 12:50 |