On yıllardır Almanya’da yaşayan Emilia Juecker’in sözlerine göre “Bulgarlar dünyayı süslüyor”. Hamburg’ta 30 Kasım’da soydaşlarımızı bir araya getirecek “Bulgarca sözler, müzik, renkler ve dans” yıllık toplantısının odağında kültürel..
"Los búlgaros embellecemos el mundo", afirma Emilia Yuker, quien reside en Alemania desde hace décadas. La riqueza de las tradiciones culturales, la literatura y el folclore búlgaro será el tema central del séptimo encuentro anual "Palabra, música,..
"Bulgarians decorate the world," tells us Emilia Juеcker, who has been living in Germany for decades. The diversity of our cultural traditions, literature, and folklore is at the heart of the seventh annual meeting "Bulgarian Speech, Music, Colors and..
Bulgarians who gathered in front of the polling station in Norwalk, Connecticut - USA danced a traditional horo dance, we learned from Nadya Ullman, a member of the board of directors of the Bulgarian Center in New England , USA. Election day there..
Președinta Clubului Femeilor și Familiilor Bulgare din Hamburg, Emilia Jucker, își prezintă pentru a doua oară picturile publicului din Chicago. De această dată, expoziția sa este dedicată celei de-a 30-a aniversări a cooperării dintre cele două orașe de..
The president of the Bulgarian Women and Families Club in Hamburg, Emilia Jucker, presents her paintings to the Chicago public for the second time. This time her exhibition is dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the cooperation between the two cities on..
El Coro Infantil de la BNR se encuentra entre los finalistas del prestigioso concurso internacional para coros no profesionales "Que Canten las Naciones", auspiciado por la Unión Europea de Radiodifusión (EBU). Ocho conjuntos participarán en la fase..
The festival of Bulgarian cinema, which takes place from September 10 to 13 in Paris, will continue in Sofia. The French Cultural Institute in the Bulgarian capital will present to the Francophone audience in this country films from..
In the autumn of 1992, a decree of the Council of Ministers in Bulgaria established the Agency for Bulgarians Abroad to coordinate state policy towards Bulgarians living around the world. Its first president, Georgi Danailov, put together a team and the..
There are four upcoming days of exciting screenings of Bulgarian films in Paris. From September 10 to 13, the Bulgarian Cinema Festival will be held in the French capital and its sixth edition is under the motto "Stronger Together"...
Il y a trois ans, la Russie envahissait l’Ukraine, remettant en question un des objectifs majeurs de l’UE : éviter un nouveau conflit sur le Vieux..
La Bulgarie participera à des appels d'offres groupés dans la sphère de la Défense au sein de l'UE pour l'acquisition des systèmes de lance-missile..
"La Bulgarie a demandé un rapport de convergence extraordinaire, vu qu'elle remplit tous les critères d'adhésion à la zone euro". C'est ce qu'a déclaré le..