The Turkish president is not yet a sultan, but his envoys have started distributing ultimatums to foreign countries as if planning to restore the Ottoman Empire. One of the news headlines in Bulgaria during the outgoing week was related to the..
Bulgaria’s printed media accentuates on Thursday on the latest demographic data of the National Statistical Institute. The population of Bulgaria will be under 7 million people by 2019. Each year the Bulgarian population melts down with some 52,000..
Bulgaria’s printed media accentuate on Wednesday on President Radev’s first address to the nation. The main accent of President Radev’s speech fell on the foreign interference in Bulgaria’s internal affairs and the attempts of politicians from..
Bulgaria’s printed media accentuates on Monday on the saga related to the formation of the country’s new regular cabinet after the early Parliamentary elections held on March 26. The newspapers focus on the talks between GERB and the Patriotic..
The visit of European Council President Donald Tusk to Slovenia, Macedonia, Bulgaria and Greece has ended. His messages were related to EU enlargement after Brexit, saving Greece from bankruptcy, as well as " the new European project" as the future..
Bulgaria’s printed media accentuate on Thursday on the decision of the European Court of Justice related to the lawsuit against Bulgaria on violation of an EU directive on ambient air quality and cleaner air in Europe. The EU court has found Bulgaria..
Bujar Nishani : l’Albanie est au bord de l’explosion politique Les affrontements politiques et la tension en Albanie sont dangereux pour les prochaines législatives, a souligné dans une allocution au peuple le présidentBujar Nishani..
Good news for Bulgaria became the focus of the passing week. Moscow and Brussels shook hands in agreement to fundamentally change the gas policy of Russia in relation to certain former satellite countries to the Soviet Union, now part of the EU. The good..
Une bonne nouvelle pour la Bulgarie cette semaine ! Bruxelles et Moscou se sont entendus au sujet de leurs politiques gazières. La Russie s’est engagée de changer de démarche en la matière pour ce qui est de ses projets impliquant des pays anciens..
The European Union will not be the same anymore after this month. The start of the dramatic change was given by the President of the European Commission Jean Claude Juncker who announced the so-called White Paper containing different options..
Située à la croisee des civilisations anciennes, la Bulgarie propose de remarquables sites historiques entourés des plus belles plages de la mer Noire et..
La base bulgare en Antarctique "Saint Clément d'Ohrid" a officiellement rouvert ses portes. Les membres de l'équipe, dirigée par Christo Pimpirev, sont..
A partir de 2025, 9 quartiers de Sofia ne pourront plus se chauffer au charbon ou au bois dans des immeubles qui sont raccordés au chauffage urbain ou au gaz..