Thirty years after Bulgaria joined the International Organization of La Francophonie, the director of the French centre for modern art, the Centre Pompidou Xavier Rey paid a visit to this country at the invitation of the National Art Gallery in..
La 30 de ani de la aderarea Bulgariei la Organizația Internațională a Francofoniei, directorul Centrului francez de artă contemporană Georges Pompidou, Xavier Re, a fost oaspetele Galeriei Naționale de Artă din Sofia. Acolo, în decorul aristocratic al..
Dominique Wolton, a French sociologist and author with an impressive body of work in the sphere of communications, technologies, globalism, the building of Europe and cultural diversity, paid a visit to Bulgaria for the opening of the Bulgarian office..
Celebrul caricaturist francez de renume mondial Plantu a sosit în Bulgaria pentru a-și deschide expoziția la Sofia în compania colegilor săi bulgari Hristo Komarnitsky și Teodor Ușev. Panourile cu desenele sale, o reflecție provocatoare asupra politicii,..
The world-famous French cartoonist Plantu has arrived in Bulgaria to open his exhibition in Sofia in the company of his Bulgarian colleagues Christo Komarnitski and Theodore Ushev. The panel with his drawings, a provocative reflection on politics,..
Since September 2021, Pierre Colliot has been the Director of the French Cultural Institute and Counsellor for Cooperation and Cultural Affairs at the French Embassy in Sofia. The reason we invited him for a conversation was the recent European..
La Radio Nacional de Bulgaria comenzó a emitir en onda corta allá por 1936, justo un año después de que se fundara Radio Bulgaria, y la historia de sus..
Hace unos días, en la zona protegida "Kalimok-Brashlen", cerca de la ciudad danubiana de Tutrakan , nació el primer pelícano ceñudo de la temporada,..
Más de 4 000 participantes de 52 grupos de mascaradas de todo el país tomarán parte en el Festival Nacional de Mascaradas "Dzhamala", que se celebrará los..