In one of their most popular songs, Bulgarians praise the beauty of their forests. These spaces have always been objects of great respect, which explains why people react so strongly when they come across areas in the mountains that have been..
On Danube Day – June 29, WWF announced the beginning of a series of projects for restoration of wetlands along the Danube. The projects will be implemented over the next 7 years. For a century and a half the longest river in the EU has lost 80..
Le 29 juin, la Journée du Danube, le WWF a annoncé le début d’une série de projets visant la restauration des zones humides du bord du Danube et qui seront réalisés pendant les 7 prochaines années. En un siècle et demi, le plus long fleuve de l’Union..
The European ground squirrel (Spermophilus citellus) is a cute animal that looks a lot like the American marmot and is one of the most important species for conservation in Europe. It is found only in the eastern parts of the continent. The..
On June 22, prior to Enyovden (Midsummer Day) which is the traditional herb feast, Bulgarian bee-keepers launched a campaign aimed at promoting the benefits of honey consumption under the motto The Power of Honey. The official opening was held in..
Le 18 juin dernier, le ministre de l’Agriculture et de l’Alimentation Dimitar Grékov a donné le coup d’envoi de la campagne de la moisson en Bulgarie, entre deux séquences de pluies abondantes, assorties d’averses de grêle. Des pluies qui quelques jours..
On June 18 Bulgaria’s Minister of Agriculture and Food Dimitar Grekov gave the official start of the harvest campaign in Bulgaria during a lull between periods of torrential rainfalls and hail that have been flooding the country recently. Several..
The stork is probably the most popular, or at least the most beloved big bird in Europe. These beautiful white birds are characters in many stories and legends and are symbols of springtime. The silhouette of the bird strolling in the fields can be..
Close to a month following devastating floods in neighboring Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, torrential rains this spring have claimed their first victims in Bulgaria. The Asparuhovo Neighborhood in Varna was flooded by a one-meter wave of water..
Moins d’un mois après les terribles inondations en Serbie et en Bosnie-Herzégovine, la Bulgarie déplore les premières victimes de la brusque montée des eaux. Hier, le quartier Asparoukhovo de Varna a été littéralement englouti par la vague qui a atteint..
Hristo Stoichkov es el nuevo embajador de la Organización Mundial del Turismo adjunta a la ONU. Lo anterior ha quedado claro durante una reunión oficial..
Este miércoles 26 de febrero ante el micrófono en el estudio en Sofía está quien les habla, Borislav Todorov, para presentarles en el apartado informativo..
Aumentar la conectividad energética entre los países de la región reducirá los precios de la electricidad, aumentará la competitividad y la seguridad del..