Podcast en español

author: Desislava Semkovska

140º aniversario del Cuerpo de Bomberos de Sofía

El 16 de abril de 1832 en Sofía estalló un incendio que rápidamente se extendió por tiendas, cafeterías, panaderías, varias casas. Los habitantes en pánico habían salido a la calle pero nada pudo extinguir el fuego. Justo ese día el acueducto principal no..

14.07.18 08:05 |

Sofia fire department turns 140

A fire broke out in Sofia on 16 April, 1832, quickly spreading to stores, cafes, bakeries and several houses. People panicked and poured out into the streets but couldn’t put out the fire. On that particular day there was a water outage in Sofia..

14.07.18 08:00 |

Bulgaristan İşitme Engelliler Derneği’nden işaret dilinin yasallaştırılması talebi

12 Temmuz 1934 yılında ülkemizde engelliler dernekleri arasında en eskisi olan - Bulgaristan İşitme Engelliler Derneği kurulumuştur. Bugün dernek üyeleri “Tişina” (Sessizlik) gazetesini çıkarıyor, farklı program, festival, uluslararası kültür,..

12.07.18 14:07 |

L'Union nationale des Sourds souhaite une officialisation de la langue des signes

Le 12 juillet 1934, en Bulgarie voit le jour une des associations les plus anciennes des personnes handicapées, l’Union nationale des Sourds, dont les membres éditent le journal « TICHINA »/Silence/, participent à différents programmes..

12.07.18 13:02 |

Union of the Deaf in Bulgaria wants regularization of sign language

The Union of the Deaf in Bulgaria is one of the oldest organizations of people with disabilities in the country still in existence, having been set up on 12 July, 1934. Its members publish a newspaper called Silence , take part in various..

12.07.18 12:48 |

La Unión de Sordos de Bulgaria pide legalizar la lengua de señas

El 12 de julio de 1934 fue creada una de las organizaciones más veteranas de las personas con deficiencias auditivas en Bulgaria: la Unión de Sordos. Sus afiliados publican el rotativo “Tishina”, o sea, “Silencio”, participan en diferentes programas,..

12.07.18 12:16 |

Maria Ilieva: I always knew I would become an artist

"I do not remember a moment in my life when I wanted to become something other than an artist. I think that since my earliest childhood I have known this was my vocation," artist Maria Ilieva says. She is a sophisticated and delicate young woman whose..

01.07.18 10:55 |

Peculiar ceramic cups by Ekaterina Lachova bring smiles and attract attention

On June 29, when the Orthodox Church celebrates the feast day of Sts. Peter and Paul, craftsmen in Bulgaria celebrate their professional holiday. That is why we will take a look at Ekaterina Lachova's atelier today. We talk with her not only about her..

29.06.18 15:33 |

Ekaterina Lachova’nın sıradışı bardakları

Ortodoks Kilisesi’nin 29 Haziran’da kutladığ “Az. Petır ve Az.Pavel” gününde zanaatçılar kendi meslek bayramını kutlar. Bu vesileyle Ekaterina Lachova’nın atölyesini ziyaret ediyoruz. Yaptığı standart dışı seramik bardaklar hakkında olduğu gibi,..

29.06.18 15:05 |

Las peculiares tazas de Ekaterina Lashova

El 29 de junio, día en que la Iglesia Ortodoxa honra a san Pedro y san Pablo, es también la fiesta de los artesanos. Es por ello que hoy visitamos el taller de Ekaterina Lashova, con la que hablamos no sólo de sus tazas de cerámica fuera de lo común,..

29.06.18 12:27 |